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2x16 lcd pin out

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Hi guys i have a 2x16 dot matrix lcd. I got from epson all in one printer. But on this lcd chip is on lcd glas. So i cant know what kind of lcd driver. But when normal work i controled with my multimeter. 1 pin is GND 2. Pins is Vdd +5v for know other pin outs depends your valuable helps. by the way no backlight.


  • Picture 003 DETAIL.JPG
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hey i have used something similar but it had backlight..
the pin outs were
Pin Symbol I/O Description

1 Vss -- Ground

2 Vcc -- +5 Volt Supply

3 VEE -- Power supply to control contrast

4 RS I RS=0 to select command Register
RS=1 to select data register

5 R/W I R/W=0 for write
R/W=1 for Read
6 E I/O Enable
7-14 DB0-DB7 I/O The 8 bit data bus

let me know if it any help to u..
ok i will try it on his own board. Thanks a lot for your valuable info. By the way greetings to india :)..
hey pretish yesterday of lcd i made a potansiometer connect. I can chance of lcd contarst..Then connection is true :) i think for your lcd last pin for back light.
hey thnks....i think y there are there are only 10 i lookd for the working of the chip(HD44780 usually) controlling the lcd turns out that the chip can work in 4bit data mode instead of 8 bit mode.& the read or write pin might be shorted to vcc to make it write only..
so the pins must be
1 gnd
2 vcc
3 contrast
4 register select
5 enable
9-all data pins

i have done proj using pic16f877a for controlling LCD 16x2,so had to study the whole thing....but the lCD i used was the 16 pin one..
I know it has been a while but did you ever get this thing to work? I happen to have the very same lcd as you and am hoping to get it going. A reply would be much appreciated :D
I know it has been a while but did you ever get this thing to work? I happen to have the very same lcd as you and am hoping to get it going. A reply would be much appreciated :D

well google the data sheet for the LCD u r using (e.g 16x2 LCD). inorder to get it working u will have to interface it with a microcontroller (i used AT89C51). U have to programme the LCD using any language (i used C++) and then there is the software name which u run ur code n they give u the .hex file,which u will burn onto ur microcontroller.using a wen u r done with tht....connect the microcontroller with LCD (see the pin configuration of both LCD and microcontroller)...n there u go...its done :)
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