Hello all, I've read a bit here, but this is my first post.
I'm an electronics newbie trying to reverse engineer a solar garden light, and I have drawn up the schematic as far as I can see, but there is a lot of plastic goo at the bottom of the plastic under the solar cell, so I'm not sure this is at all complete. I wonder if you could give an idea if there is a diode or other likely components to tell me if this schematic makes any sense at all?
Thanks in advance!
I'm an electronics newbie trying to reverse engineer a solar garden light, and I have drawn up the schematic as far as I can see, but there is a lot of plastic goo at the bottom of the plastic under the solar cell, so I'm not sure this is at all complete. I wonder if you could give an idea if there is a diode or other likely components to tell me if this schematic makes any sense at all?
Thanks in advance!