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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

new need some help building a clock from a lm 8560 clock ic

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New Member
Well i just started electronic circutry i have been very good at computer hardware and soldering and finally decided to try building my own devices its been fun ill have to say but and i have been learning at a very fast rate. so lets get to the problem

i took apart my old alarmclock and decided to use its parts to build a clock rather than buying all the parts over the internet (or most of the parts that is) i was going to use a pic but decided against it for now. i have the IC's print out my problem was this i didn't realize that the IC wouldn't plug into a standard 0.1" bread board so in a failed attempt to find some sort of "pin pitch adapter" I decided learn to etch a copper clad board i know there's a lot of ground to cover starting out and all i watched and read count less things on the topic. so would etching be a good idea, are there adapters to convert a 1.78mm pin spacing to a 0.1" spacing for bread boards

i have the switch circuit board i left intact because i wanted to use it and i left the led duplex. i also tried to save as many of the components (capcitors,diodes,resistors)

the print out for the IC also gives an example circuit for the clock the one thing im lacking in is knowing what voltages,resistance,etc. to use as i have just been following example circuits

this project may be over my head alittle but im willing to sit down and learn this stuff cause im good at learning stuff quick

print out for lm 8560
LM8560 datasheet pdf datenblatt - Sanyo Semicon Device - Digital Alarm Clock ::: ALLDATASHEET :::

also an example of what i mean about i dont know how to figure resistances or other things ( when the diagram shows a resistor but doesnt tell the resistance) and this is usually because it is based on some other factor which im unable to calculate lol

anyways if its not to much trouble to give a parts list for me (my project is based around the example given in the print out)

if this was to vague or confusing please tell me ill try to clarify THANKS :)
hi geekman, sorry man, no help from my side .....things u r speaking look latin in french accent spoken by a tamilian to a swahilee :)... just wanted to say hi..... me too trying to do something of the same kind ..... but extra alarms, and mp3 playouts, instead of regular sounds....... and clock display as well as a countdown timer for the current period ...... for my school..... a kinda school bell alarm system ........ not much luck so far.... but still fiddling around .....
one major problem i have is trying to get my duplex display wired right i just drew my first draft of the board will post soon sorry if that wasnt a very clear post maybe someone else can follow :/

so does anyone also know if any of these work well for drawing the circut to be etched white out, nail polish,china marker,solid whiteout stick as opposed to sharpie and if i do use sharpie whats the best way so i dont get spots, using ferric chloride
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