Hey all -
I've built a 555 based oscillator to drive ir led at 38khz. I've got the circuit wired up and I've used my meter on the duty setting to read that it is indeed generated a 38khz signal.
I've verified the IR led is on using a digital camera to "see the light"!
I've also wired up a modulated IR receiver, the one from radio shack set to 38khz. I've verified it's working by pointing my TV remote at it. I've hooked up a red led to the output pin of the receiver and it lights up and flashes when I do this.
Soooo when I point the transmitter at the receiver I get nothing. Well close to nothing. It occasionally flickers.
The red led lights up occasionally especially if I move the receiver back and forth horzontally. I've checked for loose wires [this is all on a couple of bread boards], the led always lights up when I blast it with my remote.
Oh I'm using a 5v source from a wall wart [the radioshack one that you can select the output voltage for] connected to a 7805 with a couple of capacitors. The power source circuit i bought and soldered together, it fits standard breadboards [solar-robotics] so hopefully its okay.
One thing I did notice is on the timing capacitor, if I short the two pins of the capacitor with my finger, the receiving led lights up as if its working fora second or two then goes out. This works if I repeat the process touching the capacitor.
At this point I think I must have
1) a loose wire on my emitter?
2) Capacitor leads are too long and i should trim them
3) ??
I connected a 104 ceramic capacitor from the + pin on the 555 to ground to bypass any noise too.
Anyone have some tip on how to debug this circuit?
I've built a 555 based oscillator to drive ir led at 38khz. I've got the circuit wired up and I've used my meter on the duty setting to read that it is indeed generated a 38khz signal.
I've verified the IR led is on using a digital camera to "see the light"!
I've also wired up a modulated IR receiver, the one from radio shack set to 38khz. I've verified it's working by pointing my TV remote at it. I've hooked up a red led to the output pin of the receiver and it lights up and flashes when I do this.
Soooo when I point the transmitter at the receiver I get nothing. Well close to nothing. It occasionally flickers.
The red led lights up occasionally especially if I move the receiver back and forth horzontally. I've checked for loose wires [this is all on a couple of bread boards], the led always lights up when I blast it with my remote.
Oh I'm using a 5v source from a wall wart [the radioshack one that you can select the output voltage for] connected to a 7805 with a couple of capacitors. The power source circuit i bought and soldered together, it fits standard breadboards [solar-robotics] so hopefully its okay.
One thing I did notice is on the timing capacitor, if I short the two pins of the capacitor with my finger, the receiving led lights up as if its working fora second or two then goes out. This works if I repeat the process touching the capacitor.
At this point I think I must have
1) a loose wire on my emitter?
2) Capacitor leads are too long and i should trim them
3) ??
I connected a 104 ceramic capacitor from the + pin on the 555 to ground to bypass any noise too.
Anyone have some tip on how to debug this circuit?