Active Member
Well, I had nothing to do with it, but a software MP3 player has now been done with the dsPIC! This is a pretty cool achievement, it began as a MAD port of an MP3 decoder for the TMS320 processor. So yeah it's a port of a port, I've no idea if it's being slowed down by artifacts from this procedure.
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He got it to do 32 khz, 128kbps stereo at 33.6MIPs. dsPIC33F goes up to 40MIPs so that's possible. OK that's not "full quality" and many of your mp3 tracks won't work in the available processing time but hey. You gotta admit this is cool and useful. No, it cannot encode, that's a remarkably different task. You'll probably compress files on the computer and either store them as ROM data in Program Memory (dsPIC has a lot of program memory), on a flash card or some kind of external ROM.
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He got it to do 32 khz, 128kbps stereo at 33.6MIPs. dsPIC33F goes up to 40MIPs so that's possible. OK that's not "full quality" and many of your mp3 tracks won't work in the available processing time but hey. You gotta admit this is cool and useful. No, it cannot encode, that's a remarkably different task. You'll probably compress files on the computer and either store them as ROM data in Program Memory (dsPIC has a lot of program memory), on a flash card or some kind of external ROM.
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