Hi, I'm a bit embarassed to say that I'm quite new to circuitry design, and a group of us who specialise in music would to use a 16F877A microcontroller to read signals coming in from a piezo which is being used like a small microphone placed underneath a drum skin. However none of us are particularly fluent in electronics.
Using an oscilloscope we are taking readings that the pk-pk voltage is around 25V from each strike directly above the piezo.
From what I believe, the ADC input needs to be at around 0 - 5V.
The length of each waveform lasts around 50ms with an approximate time period of around 5ms and I am wondering if the 16F877A ADC is fast enough to sample at this speed.
There are a few other questions I'd like to ask, but I'd like to get the basic input circuit prepared before I start diving into things that could get a lot more complicated.
It'd also be useful if a circuit diagram that was provided came with the principle behind why a circuit was built that way. If this could be provided me and my group would be very thankful.
Using an oscilloscope we are taking readings that the pk-pk voltage is around 25V from each strike directly above the piezo.
From what I believe, the ADC input needs to be at around 0 - 5V.
The length of each waveform lasts around 50ms with an approximate time period of around 5ms and I am wondering if the 16F877A ADC is fast enough to sample at this speed.
There are a few other questions I'd like to ask, but I'd like to get the basic input circuit prepared before I start diving into things that could get a lot more complicated.
It'd also be useful if a circuit diagram that was provided came with the principle behind why a circuit was built that way. If this could be provided me and my group would be very thankful.