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Help needed! my digital oscilloscope gets freeze!

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New Member
Hi friends, i'm from chile, and with a lot of effort finally i was able to buy a digital oscilloscope, but suddenly when i turn it on, the display turns blank, and do nothing. Sometimes the DSO starts, but in 1 minute or less gets freeze...can you help me??
The DSO is an ATTEN ADS1062C 60 Mhz, 2 channel...
There's really not enough information to diagnose the problem, nor is it particularly practical to repair something as complex as a DSO. All I can think of saying is make sure you're feeding it clean power with a proper ground.
Thanks for the answer, i already knew that this could it be a lost case...there's almost nothing of info...
I think in what you said, but i use it for 2 or 3 days, and all was normal... The thing is (and i think that maybe is the cause) i tried to measure a switching power source, and when i connected the ground, a shortcircuit happen, but after the DSO still works...but this already happen to me with other oscilloscope (analog) and nothing happen...
ps: sorry for my english, i'm from chile
I think that something happen with the firmware...Here is the fatal moment

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I have an analog scope with CRT. I've had it for 33 years and haven't been able to blow it up. I hope the analog scope that you didn't break is still available to you.
Yeah, you may have some grounding issues with the circuit you're trying to measure, scopes aren't always isolated, it's been mentioned here many times that when in doubt you should use an isolation transformer on your scope or bad things like this can happen.
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