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Books, Articles, Data 2015-11-22

Issue 10 2016_12_10

References to information about, electronics, electronic design, software, and related subjects, at all levels, both general and specific. This might be a book, a link to a tutorial on the net, or perhaps a link to a manufacturers application report/data sheet that I have found useful along the way and may be of interest to others. If you know of a good item and would like it included, please PM me (I will attribute it to you).

There are some more book references here:


(1.1) The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz & Winfield Hill, Edition 3, 2015, Published by Cambridge University Press, ISBN-13 978-0521809269
Wonderful, explanations of how electronics works from the basics up. Covers analogue and digital including microprocessors/controllers. Very popular with graduates to get into practical designs.

(1.2) Current Sources and Voltage References by Lindon T Harrison, 2005, Elsevier Newnes, ISBN 0-7506-7752-X
Covers FET current sources. It goes into some depth about subjects but it is clear and very readable.

(1.3) Op Amp Applications Handbook by Walt Jung, 2005, Analog Devices/Elevier/Newnes. ISBN 0-7506-7844-5
Theoretical and practical advice from the world-famous Walt Jung

(1.4) Audio Power Amplifier Design by Douglas Self, 2013, Edition 6, publisher: Focal Press, ISBN 978-0-240-52614-0
Insights from a top audio amp designer. Very readable and well structured so you can just go to the level that you want. Self is not just a theorist; he designs for production too. Of course, there are many approaches to audio amp design. Self's main approach is the most widely used though. Some revealing information on how transistors and other components behave in the real world.

(1.5) Introduction to Radar Systems by Merril Skolnik, 1985, publisher: McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-057909-1 (later editions available)
Introduction to below.

(1.6) Radar Handbook by Merril Skolnik, 1989,|publisher: McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-0705-7913-X (later editions available)
The RADAR bible.

(1.7) Electronic Filter Design Handbook by Williams, Arthur B & Taylor, Fred J ,1995, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-7-070441-4
The Bible for practical filter design. Although the design procedure has been replaced by computer applications this book tells you about the characteristic and practical aspects of each filter type.

(1.8) EMC for Product Designers by Tim Williams, 2007, Newmans, ISBN 978-0-75-0681-4 (later editions available)
Not a dry tome but humorous, surprising and insightful. Another book that illustrates what the wiggley amps are doing. Useful, not only for EMC design, but when specifying cabinets and racks and PCB layout. For example, this book helps when designing audio power amps for low distortion and good screening.

(1.9) Designing low-noise audio amplifiers by Wilfred Adam, June 1989 Article from Electronics & Wireless World. low-noise audio amplifiers.pdf

Simple explanation with practical circuits- old but still relevant.

(1.10) The Sound of Silence by Burkhard Vogel, 2008, Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-7688-8.
Low noise design techniques. Focuses on RIAA phono input stages.

(1.11) The Switch-Mode Power Supply Reference Manual by ON Semiconductor, SMPSRM/Rev 4 April 2014

(1.12) An Audio Amplifier Power Supply Design. Texas Instruments, SAA057B June 2008- Revised May 2013.

(1.13) Thermocouple Theory
Concise, simple introduction to thermocuples- just the facts and no padding

(1.14) Film Capacitors
Well written article on the structure, manufacture and applications of film capacitors. Essential reading for those getting into electronics at the intermediate level

(1.15) Zener Diodes
Much more than just Zener diodes. Not as well focus as some ON (Motorola) app reports, but all the information you need is here

(1.16) Electronic and Electrical Engineering by Lionel Warnes, Third Edition, 2003, Plgrave MacMillan, ISBN 0-333-99040-4
Electronics and electrical theory, with quite a lot of maths, but well written and clear. If you need to investigate an area a little further than the basics, this would be a good book to consult.



(3.1) Understanding Physics by Isaac Asimov, 1988, Dorset Press (Marlboro Books Corp), ISBN 0-88029-251-2.
3 volumes in one:
(Vol 1) Motion, Sound & Heat
(Vol 2) Light, Magnetism & Electricity
(Vol 3) The Electron, Proton & Neutron
Asimov lead the way in explaining complex subjects to the layman- a true classic which budding electronic engineers should consider. It's a good read too.


(4.1) Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr & EB White, 1979, Macmillan Publishing Co Inc. ISBN 0-02-418230-3.

Foundations of good writing.

(4.2) Penguin Guide to Punctuation by RL Task. 2004. Penguin Group. ISBN 0-1405-1366-3.
Short book gives all you need to know about punctuation, both US and UK.

(4.3) Grammar, Structure & Style by Shirley Russell, 1993. ISBN 0-019-83-1198-2.
Simple techniqes, with examples, for writing clear, concise Enlish.

(4.4) The Zurich Axioms by Max Gunther, 2006, Souvenir Press, ISBN 0-285-63095-4.
I used to see this short book on the shelf of our local library for years and thought it had a strange title. One day, out of curiosity, I looked inside and then read it in one sitting from cover to cover. You may be wondering why this book about investing is included on an electronics forum- if so, just read it.

(4.5) Use Your Head by Tony Bunzan, 1984,Guild Publishing, ISBN-13 978-05632110825
Trouble remembering names, lists, etc- not any more once you use the tecniques in this short book


(5.1) History of Semiconductor Engineering by Bo Lojek, 2007, Springer, ISBN 13-978-3-540-34257

You would think that all the magic devices from Fairchild, Texas Intruments, National Semiconductor... were developed in an atmosphere of harmony, cooperation, and objectivity, but just read this.

(5.2) Makers of the Microchipby Christopher Leenyer & David C brock, 2010, Chemical Heratage Foundation/MIT Press, ISBN 978-0-262-01424-3

Fascinating history of Fairchild and the development of semiconductors.

(5.3) IC OP-Amps Through the Ages by T H Lee,Fall 2002, Handout#18:EE214

History of the opamp from the valve (tube) versions of the 1940s to the modern opamp. Many classic opamps covered: uA702, uA709, uA741 ...

(5.4) History of the Personal Computer by Roy A Allen, 2001, Edition 1, Alan Publishing London, Ontario, Canada, ISBN 0-9689108-3-1
Title says all. From a founder member of MicroSoft

(5.5) The Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan
Thought provoking stuff about all the scare stories that are hyped by the media to an aquesent public while the real dangers to the world are ignored. The chapter on BS detection should be read by all thinking people.

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