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Keypad-Based Vehicle Engine Immobilizer 2015-04-19

Keypad-Based Vehicle Engine Immobilizer

Features …

    • Low cost, easy-to-build compact design
    • 2-points of circuit immobilization …
    • Concealable main circuitry, keypad & relays fully isolated
    • 10,000 possible 4-digit codes …
    • Code set / quickly changeable via keypad buttons
    • Flashing LED when armed …

:: Electrical Schematic ::

:: MikroC Source Code ::

      DIY Keypad-based car engine security system ...
      Copyright ©2010 Trent Jackson all rights reserved

* MCU:
      PIC16F628a @4MHz

// :: Global scope variables :: //

unsigned short scan = 0;
unsigned short userCode[6];
unsigned short user[6];
unsigned short keyDown = 0;
unsigned short active = 1;
unsigned short tmrLED = 0;
unsigned short progMode = 0;
unsigned short codeCorrect = 0;
unsigned short hashPressed = 0;
unsigned short ukeyPointer = 0;
unsigned short Pinattempts = 0;
unsigned short i = 0;
unsigned short j = 0;

unsigned int timeout = 0;
unsigned int tmrIgnit = 0;

// :: Defines :: //

// Keypad rows ...
#define rowA PORTB.F0
#define rowB PORTB.F1
#define rowC PORTB.F2
#define rowD PORTB.F3

// Keypad columns
#define colA PORTB.F4
#define colB PORTB.F5
#define colC PORTB.F6

// LEDs ...
#define LEDa PORTA.F3
#define LEDb PORTB.F7

// Relays
#define relayA PORTA.F0
#define relayB PORTA.F1

// Ignition
#define ignit PORTA.F4

void interrupt()
  TMR0   = 96;
  INTCON = 0x20;

void flashLEDa()
   LEDa = ~LEDa;

void flashLEDb()
   LEDb = ~LEDb;

void playValidSND()
   for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      Sound_Play(2000, 25);

void playErrorSND()
   for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      Sound_Play(250, 50);

void rstUser()
   ukeyPointer = 0;
   codeCorrect = 0;
   hashPressed = 0;

   for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      user[i] = 255;

unsigned short getKey()
                      :: Multiplex 4x3 keypad function ::

   1. Cycle through rows and check for corresponding column being set ...
   2. Return the key if col is set (active high)
   3. Protocol implementation(s) / limitation(s):

                                    a. No simultaneous key sequences
                                    b. Key detect on release ...
                                    c. Very responsive with zero bounce
      switch (scan)
         case 0: // :: First col (1, 4, 7, *) :: //

            // Set cols
            colA = 1;
            colB = 0;
            colC = 0;

            // 5mS delay allow port to settle

            // Check for button press ...
            if (rowA == 1)
               return  1;
            else if (rowB == 1)
               return  4;
            else if (rowC == 1)
               return  7;
            else if (rowD == 1)
               return  54;

         case 1:

            // Set cols
            colA = 0;
            colB = 1;
            colC = 0;

            // 5mS delay allow port to settle

            // Check for button press ...
            if (rowA == 1)
               return  2;
            else if (rowB == 1)
               return  5;
            else if (rowC == 1)
               return  8;
            else if (rowD == 1)
               return  0;

         case 2:

            // Set cols
            colA = 0;
            colB = 0;
            colC = 1;

            // 5mS delay allow port to settle

            // Check for button press ...
            if (rowA == 1)
               return  3;
            else if (rowB == 1)
               return  6;
            else if (rowC == 1)
               return  9;
            else if (rowD == 1)
               return  55;


   // Inc to next col ...
   scan ++;

   // Reset after last row
   if (scan == 3)
      scan = 0;

   // Nothing pressed, 255 denotes this
   return 255;

void main()
  CMCON = 7;          // Disable analog comparators
  OPTION_REG = 0x84;  // Assign prescaler to TMR0
  TMR0  = 96;         // Timer0 initial value
  INTCON = 0xA0;      // Enable TMRO interrupt
  TRISA = 0x10;       // PortA as output ...
  PORTA = 0x00;       // Init port, all pins low
  TRISB = 0x0F;       // 4 inputs & 4 outputs

  // Using snd lib for short beep on key press
  Sound_Init(&PORTA, 2);

  // Leds both off
  LEDa = 0;
  LEDb = 0;

  // Relays off
  relayA = 0;
  relayB = 0;

  // Cols off ...
  colA = 0;
  colB = 0;
  colC = 0;

  // Null user vars
  // Fetch 4-digit code from EEPROM
  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
     userCode[i] = EEPROM_Read(i);

  // Load default code
  if(userCode[0] == 0xFF)
     userCode[0] = 1;
     userCode[1] = 2;
     userCode[2] = 4;
     userCode[3] = 8;

  // :: Infinite program loop :: //
      // :: Armed flash red deterrent led @~2Hz :: //
      if (pinAttempts < 3)
         if (active == 1)
            if (tmrLED >= 100)
               tmrLED = 0;
         else // Not armed
            if (progMode == 1)
               if (tmrLED >= 100)
                  tmrLED = 0;
            else if (ignit == 1)
               LEDb = 1;
               relayA = 1;
               relayB = 1;
               tmrIgnit = 0;
            else // Grn led + rlys off when no ignition
               if (tmrIgnit == 1000)
                  LEDb = 0;
                  relayA = 0;
                  relayB = 0;
                  tmrIgnit = 0;
         // :: Fetch keys :: //
         if (keyDown != 1)
            user[ukeyPointer] = getKey();

            if(user[ukeyPointer] != 255)
               // Flag set ...
               keyDown = 1;
               // Play tone
               Sound_Play(888, 25);
               // 50mS debounce
               // Inc pos in array

               // Reset after 5 keys
               if (ukeyPointer == 5)
                  ukeyPointer = 0;
         else // Wait for key release
            if (rowA == 0)
               if (rowB == 0)
                  if (rowC == 0)
                     if (rowD == 0)
                        // Flag off ...
                        keyDown = 0;
         // :: See if user has entered in the right pin :: //
         if(user[0] == userCode[0])
            if(user[1] == userCode[1])
               if(user[2] == userCode[2])
                  if(user[3] == userCode[3])
                     codeCorrect = 1;
                     pinAttempts = 0;

         // :: Detect if hash key has been pressed :: //

         for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            if (user[i] == 55)
               hashPressed = 1;
         // :: Hash to arm / disarm system :: //
         if (progMode == 0)
            if (hashPressed == 1)
               if (active == 1)
                  if (codeCorrect == 1)
                     LEDa = 0;
                     active = 0;
                     pinAttempts ++;
               else // ARM if vehicle ignition is off
                  if (ignit != 1)
                     LEDb = 0;
                     active = 1;
                     relayA = 0;
                     relayB = 0;

            // :: Star key after entering in pin to set new pin :: //
            else if (user[4] == 54)
               if (codeCorrect == 1)
                  if (active == 0)
                     if (ignit == 1)
                        progMode = 1;
                  pinAttempts ++;
         else  // :: User is programming in an new pin code :: //
            if (ukeyPointer == 4)
               // Save code to eeprom ...
               for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                  userCode[i] = user[i];
                  EEPROM_Write(i, userCode[i]);
               // Reset & bail
               progMode = 0;
      else // 3 incorrect pin attempts in a row (lock out system for a few mins)
         if (timeout == 0)
            LEDa = 0;
            LEDb = 0;
         if (timeout < 50)
            timeout ++;
            timeout = 0;
            pinAttempts = 0;
            LEDa = 0;
            LEDb = 0;
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