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I2C Monitor– Implementation and Limitations

    Blog entry posted in 'Electronics and Other Ramblings...', March 13, 2012.

    I2C Monitor– Implementation and Limitations

    The implementation is shown on the next figure. For the quick prototype, the FTDI interface was replaced with the FTDI TTL cable. The implementation worked as expected with two caveats; the maximum bus supported speed is 100kHz, and if the internal buffer on the MCU overflows there is currently no indication for this. I was hoping to be able to operate up to 400kHz, but it’s not happening. Since this is good enough for what I targeted originally, it will suffice until next time. It looks like this is better suited for an FPGA application – live and learn I guess. Code is written in Oshonsoft Basic.



    'Author: languer (©2012)
    'Pin Allocation:
    'PIN# Main_Fn Secondary_Fn
    'RA0 -> not used
    'RA1 -> not used
    'RA2 -> not used
    'RA3 -> not used
    'RA4 -> not used
    'RA5 -> MCLR
    'RA6 -> OSC
    'RA7 -> OSC
    'RB0 -> I2C START Interrupt
    'RB1 -> TX_RS232 (PC_RX)
    'RB2 -> I2C STOP Interrupt
    'RB3 -> I2C SCL Interrupt (using CCP)
    'RB4 -> RX_RS232 (PC_TX)
    'RB5 -> not used
    'RB6 -> I2C SDA PGC (Programming clock)
    'RB7 -> CTS# PGD (Programming data)
    'Usage Information:
    'RS232 Baud Rate: 115.2kbps
    'Version Info:
    'rs232 comms on array at main loop
    'max speed is 100kHz
    'no indication if buffer overflows

    'General Configuration
    'for external 10MHz w PLL (40MHz)
    Define CONFIG1L = 0x00
    Define CONFIG1H = 0x06
    Define CONFIG2L = 0x0a
    Define CONFIG2H = 0x00
    Define CONFIG3L = 0x00
    Define CONFIG3H = 0x80
    Define CONFIG4L = 0x80
    Define CONFIG4H = 0x00
    Define CONFIG5L = 0x03
    Define CONFIG5H = 0xc0
    Define CONFIG6L = 0x03
    Define CONFIG6H = 0xe0
    Define CONFIG7L = 0x03
    Define CONFIG7H = 0x40

    'Oscillator/Clock Configuration
    Define CLOCK_FREQUENCY = 40

    'HW UART Setup
    Hseropen 115200

    'I2C Definitions
    Symbol io_i2cstart = RB0
    Symbol io_i2cstop = RB2
    Symbol io_i2cscl = RB3
    Symbol io_i2csda = RB6

    Const trisa1 = %11111111
    Const trisb1 = %01111101
    Dim _true As Bit
    Dim _false As Bit
    _true = True
    _false = False

    Dim flag_i2cstart As Bit
    Dim flag_i2cstop As Bit
    Dim i2cack As Byte
    Dim i2cdata As Byte
    Const i2cbuffersize = 200
    Dim i2carray(200) As Byte
    Dim i2cnextin As Byte
    Dim i2cnextout As Byte
    Dim bitcount As Byte

    'Main Program
    WaitMs 2500
    Call init()

    'enable interrupt routines
    INTCON.INT0IE = True 'enable RB0/I2CSTART interrupt
    CCP1CON = %00000101 'enable RB3/CCP1/I2CSCL
    Enable High 'enable general interrupt

    Dim data As Byte
    Dim cnt As Byte
    While _true
    If i2cnextout = i2cnextin Then
    'do nothing
    'loop-around buffer
    If i2cnextout = i2cbuffersize Then
    i2cnextout = 0
    'hserout when TXREG is empty
    If PIR1.TXIF = True Then
    data = i2carray(i2cnextout)
    TXREG = data
    i2cnextout = i2cnextout + 1

    Proc init()
    TRISA = trisa1
    TRISB = trisb1

    flag_i2cstart = False
    flag_i2cstop = False
    i2cack = 0
    i2cdata = 255
    i2cnextin = 0
    i2cnextout = 0
    bitcount = 0

    'Hserout "Start...", CrLf
    End Proc

    On High Interrupt
    Dim hex1 As Byte
    Dim hex2 As Byte

    'START/RESTART Condition (3.6us / 29Tcy)
    If INTCON.INT0IF = True Then 'RB0/I2CSTART flag
    INTCON.INT0IF = False 'RB0/I2CSTART flag
    INTCON3.INT2IF = False 'RB2/I2CSTOP flag
    INTCON3.INT2IE = True 'enable RB2/I2CSTOP interrupt
    flag_i2cstop = False
    bitcount = 0
    PIR1.CCP1IF = False 'RB3/CCP/I2CSCL flag
    PIE1.CCP1IE = True 'enable RB3/CCP/I2CSCL interrupt
    INTCON.PEIE = True 'enable peripheral interrupt (required for RB3/CCP/I2CSCL)
    'loop-around buffer
    If i2cnextin = i2cbuffersize Then
    i2cnextin = 0
    If flag_i2cstart = True Then
    i2carray(i2cnextin) = "R" 'restart condition"
    flag_i2cstart = True
    i2carray(i2cnextin) = "S" 'start condition
    i2cnextin = i2cnextin + 1

    'STOP Condition (3.0us / 24Tcy)
    If INTCON3.INT2IF = True Then 'RB2/I2CSTOP flag
    INTCON3.INT2IE = False 'disable RB2/I2CSTOP interrupt
    INTCON3.INT2IF = False 'RB2/I2CSTOP flag
    INTCON.PEIE = False 'disable peripheral interrupt (required for RB3/CCP/I2CSCL)
    PIE1.CCP1IE = False 'disable RB3/CCP/I2CSCL interrupt
    PIR1.CCP1IF = False 'RB3/CCP/I2CSCL flag
    flag_i2cstart = False
    'loop-around buffer
    If i2cnextin = i2cbuffersize Then
    i2cnextin = 0
    i2carray(i2cnextin) = "P" 'stop condition
    i2cnextin = i2cnextin + 1

    'DATA Condition
    '(2.4us / 18Tcy for Bits 0-6)
    '(7.2us / 55Tcy for Bit 7)
    '(7.4us / 58Tcy for ACK/NACK)
    If PIR1.CCP1IF = True Then 'RB3/CCP/I2CSCL flag
    PIR1.CCP1IF = False 'RB3/CCP/I2CSCL flag
    Select Case bitcount
    Case < 7
    'shift data left and add new i2cdata bit
    'i2cdata = ShiftLeft(i2cdata, 1)
    ASM: RLCF i2cdata,1
    If io_i2csda = True Then 'add
    i2cdata = i2cdata + 1
    bitcount = bitcount + 1
    Case 7
    'shift data left and add last i2cdata bit
    'i2cdata = ShiftLeft(i2cdata, 1)
    ASM: RLCF i2cdata,1
    If io_i2csda = True Then 'add
    i2cdata = i2cdata + 1
    bitcount = bitcount + 1
    'store I2CDATA
    'loop-around buffer
    'hex1 = ShiftRight(i2cdata, 4)
    ASM: movff i2cdata,hex1
    ASM: movf hex1,w
    ASM: andlw 0xf0
    ASM: movwf hex1
    ASM: RRNCF hex1,1
    ASM: RRNCF hex1,1
    ASM: RRNCF hex1,1
    ASM: RRNCF hex1,1
    hex1 = LookUp("0123456789ABDCEF"), hex1
    'hex2 = i2cdata And 0x0f
    ASM: movff i2cdata,hex2
    ASM: movlw 0x0f
    ASM: andwf hex2,1
    hex2 = LookUp("0123456789ABDCEF"), hex2
    Case Else
    'ACK/NACK bit
    If i2cnextin = i2cbuffersize Then
    i2cnextin = 0
    i2carray(i2cnextin) = hex1
    i2cnextin = i2cnextin + 1
    If i2cnextin = i2cbuffersize Then
    i2cnextin = 0
    i2carray(i2cnextin) = hex2
    i2cnextin = i2cnextin + 1

    bitcount = 0

    'store ack/nack STATUS
    If io_i2csda = True Then 'test for ACK/NACK
    i2cack = "A"
    i2cack = "N"
    'loop - around buffer
    If i2cnextin = i2cbuffersize Then
    i2cnextin = 0
    i2carray(i2cnextin) = i2cack
    i2cnextin = i2cnextin + 1




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