
  1. K

    27MHz carrier signal using a oscillator chip or with few transistors alone

    I am trying to generate a 27MHz carrier signal to transmit it through a loop antenna, I referred many circuits couldn't able to find the one I need. can anyone guide me on generating it using a few simple transistors or using an oscillator chip with a 3v cell battery? The thing is my design is...
  2. F

    5/8 Wavelength Antenna Top Loading

    When I was younger, I had a CB radio with a 5/8 wave base station antenna. The antenna had a capacitance hat on the top and a tapped coil on the bottom. I Know what the tapped coil is for, impedance matching. I'm not so sure about the capacitance hat. I've been reading up on top loading with...
  3. F

    3/4 Wavelength Antenna

    I don't want to build one but I was just wondering: Is a 3/4 wavelength antenna self resonant?
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