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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

buck converter

  1. polashd

    Buck regulator with LM2596-adj got damaged.

    I build a circuit with LM2596HV-adj (smd IC). mounted it on a small heat sink. Input 37v dc input cap 100uf, output variable from 1.25v to 15v dc, output cap 220uf +330uf, inductor 100uh (toroidal). I used 2 flyback diodes (fast diode), one across output one between output pin and input pin of...
  2. A

    Buck/Boost Converter

    Hello Everyone, I want to make a Buck/Boost converter having a range of 50V-450V of Input and Output of 230V. I want to ask that i have to use a dedicated IC or I should use a Microcontroller. Because I was going to make a Solar Inverter(1Kw,5Kw). I was going to use ESP 32 because it has many...
  3. hesam_m

    8-100V to 5V-1A DC to DC Buck Converter using MP9486

    DC-to-DC buck converters are utilized ubiquitously in electronic devices. Three major types of non-isolated DC-to-DC converters are introduced: Buck, Boost, and Buck-Boost. The most frequently employed type is the Buck converter. In this article/video, I introduce a compact buck converter board...
  4. hesam_m

    5A-35V Adjustable Switching Power Supply

    A DC-to-DC converter is one of the most commonly used circuits in electronics, especially in power supply applications. There are three major types of DC-to-DC converters (non-isolated): Buck, Boost, and Buck-Boost. Sometimes a buck converter is also called a step-down converter and a boost...
  5. V

    I am a student and new to Power electronics,help me to figure out issue TIA.

    I have designed a 925v input to 24v output buck converter. I am facing a voltage drop to 0v and then it comes to back to 24v how can I get the straight line that is 24v without dropping of voltage in the circuit please anybody help me .

    Inexpensive DC-DC converter/SMPS design idea and suitable topologies

    Hi there, I am looking for a customized design where good power solution can be applicable. My aim is to develop a DC-DC sutable toloplogy ( flyback, buck, isolated , on) converter with following parameter, INPUT: 250 to 650 VDC OUTPUT: 24V/5A , 5V/3A, 12V/2A Take a look at the similar...
  7. L

    AOZ1280CI Buck Regulator Issues

    Hello everyone, I have attached a snip image of a design I am using and have been using for almost a year and a half now... Here is the story on the board. (Jump down to circuit explanation if you want) Last year, I made a few hundred using the MP2357 regulator, but since it went out of...
  8. S

    Battery Bank / Inverter Conundrum

    Hello, New to forum, hope to get some advice. Sorry for the long introduction but want to provide as much info as possible to bring to light what I’ve considered and to help provide a solution. I have some background in electronics, but definitely a novice. TLDR; I have a battery bank that I...
  9. E

    Buck Converter Inductor choice for both heavy and light load

    Hi everyone, I have difficulty in selecting a proper inductor for a buck converter with TPS5430(Datasheet). The schematic I use is similar to the examples in the datasheet. After doing some research, I learned that a lower current load would prefer a higher inductance value whereas a higher...
  10. riccardo

    Driving a 0.8V peltier from 5V using PWM and H-Bridge

    Hello, I am wanting to control a small peltier module to regulate temperature in both hot and cold modes. I am thinking to use an H-bridge motor driver such as the MAX14870 so that I can feed a PWM signal from an Arduino, and another pin will select hot/cold using the DIR input. However, the...

    Looking for a suitable DC -DC buck conveter using coupled inductor /reactor

    Hello there, Anser this post who knows Power Electronics well. Take a look my buck conveter in attachment. People may called it "Dropper' It has following properties, 1. Input is 120 to 160 volt DC/ 30 Amp. 2. Output must be 110volt/30 amp(maximum). +- 5% regulation( contineous output...
  12. Matienzo

    How to properly power a heating element to stay within a range?

    Hello everyone! The title pretty much says it. I'm using two heating elements to heat up a vessel of about 4 in^3 and this is the way I'm thinking about doing it. (senior ME student here so please easy with the jargon) So here is the way I'm wiring the thingy: The problem with this setup...
  13. P

    Buck converter not working as it should

    Hello everyone. I am doing a project in which I use a buck converter to convert high vtg to low vtg. Actually the input to the buck converter is from a solar panel which puts out 560 mA constant current and 34 V. And output is a 12V lead acid battery. The N- Channel mosfet is used at high side...
  14. Y

    Buck Converter Inductor

    Hie , I was working buck converter for LED application, for that i was implemented buck (80v,200mA) constant current converter, so here am facing problem like when we replace inductor with EFD15 the power factor of the present driver is getting low also its loosing regulation, can please help...

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