Logging temperature from sensor DS18B20 -55 to 125 deg C. Logs up to 65,000 readings to a TXT file on a SD Card formatted FAT32, SDHC (up to 32GB). This PIC16 is short on RAM to write 512 bytes (full sector) to the card, so it cannot create a file, instead it modifies a file on the disk. The...
After reading countless of articles about internet protocols, I am in the process of rolling my own wireless one between microcontrollers in which one acts as a master and the remaining as slaves. The wireless devices I use is HM-TRP configured at 38400 baud and connected to the UART of each...
Hey Guys,
It would be amazing if anyone has any idea of how does'e it happens?
I have heard in my company that the manager installed a new system to read my employee card in my packet from the ceiling, and i wanna know how?
What does'e this device do that it can read something so far away...
I have a usb symbol barcode scanner that I want to trigger a 5v relay when data (barcode reads) pass through.
I want to be able to intercept the information without interfering with the normal connection and operation of the scanner and without ongoing background software on the intended...