
  1. S

    Looking for amplifier ic

    Im building an amplifier for home use (4 channel) , so which class ic should i pick? If you know any ic, do let me know and no 4 channel ic like 7388, this ic is good but im looking for 80w per channel on 6ohm load
  2. A

    CAN transceiver internal circuitry working

    I was just trying to understand the CAN transceiver TJA1042T behavior during fault conditions: CANH short to BATT CANH short to GND CANL short to BATT CANL short to GND I'm powering on the transceiver IC and giving the TXD signal from the signal generator (a 0-5V square wave) and I'm...
  3. F

    [HELP 4 WAY- TRAFFIC LIGHT] Can someone tell me what is wrong with our schematic?

    When we run it through the Circuit wizard it goes without errors but when we imply it on a breadboard it is stuck on "4", it doesn't countdown.
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