
  1. Y

    PIC12629/675 Sleep Mode wake and blink led

    Hi sir I am trying write c code for PIC12f629/PIC12f675 Microcontroller as per below points but i am failed ,please help me write code I write code i MPLAB X XC8 complier Points - 1 - When PIC12f629 Power Connect (power on ) and switch 1(GP3 pin ) is high ( Switch pressed ) Led1 Blink (...
  2. J

    Is it possible to break or stop a while clasue because of an interrupt?

    Hi all, I have a project in Code Compose Studio coded in C language that, among other things, triggers an interrupt when a switch is released. The interrupts are configured and work properly except in one case, when the code is inside a while loop that would end when a button is released after...
  3. H

    Generate the Delay using Timer0 interrupt with Lpc2148

    Hi,All i'm using lpc2148 ;I have generate different hard core delay (as per needed) in my code,but sometimes my code is stucking into hard core delay.So i want to generate delay using timer0 interrupt like i needed millisecond and second and microsecond.So please anyone suggest me...
  4. N

    Doubt Regarding Interrupts In PIC Microcontroller

    Hi Guys, I have a doubt regarding PIC Interrupts, I am using PIC16F887 I am Using Timer in Interrupt which Blink an LED for Approx 180 ms, and Sends Data through SPI when Certain condition occur, Lets say when i am sending data in SPI and Interrupt occurs what will happen to data that is being...
  5. S

    Using 74HC595 Shift Registers without delay loop

    Hello All, I am using two 74HC595 Shift Resisters for a 4digit SSD. The problem is that the display needs to be delayed while scanning through the digits. I do not want to use delay since while the display is on, nothing can work as the processor is busy in delay loop. So I thought I will use...
  6. O

    STM32f429 DISC1 ADC interrupts not working

    OS: Windows 10 64-bit. Software: Workbench Version: Mars.2 Release (4.5.2) Build id: 20160218-0600 Board: STM32F429 DISC1 Libraries: Standard Peripheral Hi, I'm trying to use the ADC on my board in interrupt mode (as opossed to polling mode). The goal is to be able to...
  7. D

    Cannot clear flag 'IE3' on 8051 microcontroller

    I am just learning to program in assembly using the 8051 microcontroller, and I am working on a simple Jeopardy-style project in which I have two clickers and a reset button, and one of two LED lights turns on depending upon which clicker is clicked first. I am writing the program for this...
  8. I

    Timer0 for generating 1 micro second

    Hi, I used the bellow code for generating 1 microsecond in codevision: include <mega32a.h> #include <delay.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <io.h> #include <stdio.h> static void handleInterrupt(); int i=0; int c=0; int nReceiverInterrupt; unsigned long nReceivedValue = NULL; unsigned int...
  9. help with :::Generate a random number using interrupt:::

    hi still working on my 8051 project using assembly language, and now I'm in phase 4 --->>>> the last phase ;) in this phase we should generate 2 random numbers as following: 1. one digit (1-9) 2. two digit (10-99) and by using push button we pick randomly the number we have done one digit...
  10. Dual State Pushbutton, Debounced, using Interrupts for Arduino

    This routine is interrupt driven, and will detect either a short or long button press. It's return value is bit encoded and as such it is possible that both a long and short press can be detected. They are valid, since the press is debounced. The code is not optimized, but written for...
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