
  1. C

    One thing I don't understand about jfets

    Hello everyone I understood and learned the mathematical expression of the q operating point very well. Now I am trying to learn how to find the operating point on the graph. But in the examples I researched, there is such a solution. (which I drew in red) Id is given values as 3 mA and 5mA...
  2. H

    JFET/BJT assignment

    Please help me with this assignment. Due date is 23rd May 2024. I have no idea about this chapter and where to start. It would be grateful to help me.
  3. A

    Stable DC power supply point for Ultra Low Noise Amplifier (ULNA)

    Hello good people, I need help. I'm posting a schematic of an ultra low noise amplifier. It is to be powered by batteries. For that reason, I need a stable DC solution in the place of R4 resistor. I was proposed to achieve that by using another JFET and an integrator circuit, but I am not...
  4. J

    JFET Inverter

    Hi there I'm currently stuck on a simple JFET inverter design. I know the BJT equivalent, but am unsure how to do the equivalent using a JFET. How would I go about designing an inverter using an N-channel JFET? I'm assuming no gate resistor is necessary, since the JFET has a high impedance and...
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