
  1. H

    LM386 issues

    Hi Guys.... I am new to these forums so i hope i have this post in the right section, i just built a FM receiver with a LM386 to amplify my signal, i had a problem with it making a terrible squealing sound, i found a circuit for an LM386 amplifier and it showed extra capacitors added, one...
  2. Identify Manufacturer

    Hey everyone, I had this part laying around. I don't know where I got it from, but I don't know which manufacturer has this logo. Can anyone help me identify the mfr? It's an LM386. Thanks!
  3. F

    LM386 and 4 Ohm 3W speaker poor audio quality

    I have an LM386 and a 3w 4 Ohm speaker, and I've tried every possible schematic, and nothing seems to work. The sound quality is poor when I make the speaker audible, by turning the volume up. What should I do?
  4. M

    One speaker is picking up radio module noise

    I currently made a module to my project which isn't quite functioning correctly. It's 4 distinct parts on one board. The radio I/O, the two independent sound amplifiers out of the LM386's and the RFID card reader. This is the circuit: The actual inverter IC I used is 74HCT04 because it...
  5. Is it safe to use a 5V-1A USB(Samsung mobile) charger for lm386?

    Hello everyone, A brother from my hometown told me to make a mini amplifier that can pull the power out from a USB charger(or PC USB). I happened to working on a logic gate IC and burned the IC while using a USB(power bank) charger. I want to know is it safe to use a 5V-1A charger to power the...
  6. A

    An audio amplifier for beginners

    Hey guys I just uploaded my tutorial on how to build a simple audio amplifier using an LM386 chip. When using the maximum supply voltage it can reach a power output of roughly 1 watt. Hope you find it useful. Schematic <Mod edit: If you have something to share, please post it here. Do not...
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