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Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.


  1. Q

    Input requested for DIY Mixer-Preamp

    Hello - I'm working on an updated version of my mixer-preamp-amp and want input/comments on the mixer-preamp stage. For background, the application is audio input from two computers plus a 3rd aux input, and output to a couple of 6 ohm monitors. This device allows variable mixing of the three...
  2. Z

    Difference between mixing and adding a frequencies [audio]

    I'm a composer, curious about everything under the hood. In terms of math and physics - I'm newbie. Recently, I stepped into the field of frequencies. There is a term "Mixer", that is dedicated to "mix" frequencies/audio signals together. Following this thread I have a question: Why do we need...
  3. H

    Ursus trotter mixer repair UT-Klot400p

    Ursus trotter mixer repair UT-Klot400p Hi everyone! Let me start by saying i have absolutelly no experience in what i am about to do right now. We got an old Ursus Trotter mixer, that went bad some time ago, so i decided to check wth is wrong with it. And after i succesfully managed to open...
  4. J

    decreasing wave frequency with sbl-1 mixer

    I used sbl-1 mixer for decreasing signal frequency from 3.174 MHz to 10 kHz. The generated signal has high noise level. The butterworth and sallen-key filter was used to eliminate noise, nevertheless there is the noise. There is also the possibility of sending images of the circuit. How can i...
  5. FoldingTime

    Mixer created harmonics please

    I know some things about electronics but not enough for this, could you help me with choosing a mixer configuration for this task? I want a broad spectrum frequency signal using a mixer feedback loop I know that mixers are non-linear and give f1 + f2 and |f1- f2|. And other forms such as 2f1 +...
  6. Plento

    Going to build this from the learning page

    Hello! has anyone seen this before? Looks like a really cool project and I was wondering if anyone has seen/ built it before. If so, I could defiantly use some tips/ pointers. Sorry if this thread is off topic or...

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