Hi, although I did not put the code program in pic16f876, it gives an LED light in the circuit i set up. I think i need to completely reset pic16. Is the reset with the Mclr tip and button a temporary reset? How can I completely empty Pic16?
Thanks in advance for any info
Hi Guys,
I have a doubt regarding PIC Interrupts, I am using PIC16F887
I am Using Timer in Interrupt which Blink an LED for Approx 180 ms, and Sends Data through SPI when Certain condition occur,
Lets say when i am sending data in SPI and Interrupt occurs what will happen to data that is being...
Hello lovely people
I'm just getting my head around CORDIC multiplication and division. It sort of makes sense in a fuzzy kind of way.
What I actually want to do is 2 extra levels of complication:
1) 32 bit maths on an 8 bit pic, so I need 4 bytes for everything
2) the actual calculation is word...
Hello I want to generate a PWM for my application. I am using PIC16F1939, MicroC and PICkit 2 to burn the program.
Here's my code-
void interrupt()
if (TMR2IF_bit == 1)
CCPR1L = 100;
TMR2IF_bit = 0;
void main()
C1ON_bit = 0;
C2ON_bit = 0; //...