First of all, I'm totally inexperienced, and just someone trying to salvage a device if it's doable.
I was trying to disconnect the HDD cable out of its port, but the whole thing came off with the connectors still soldered to it. I got some advice telling me it's an easy fix but I'm...
Been playing at this can't figure what I missing here
CLEAN SUCCESSFUL (total time: 423ms)
make -f nbproject/Makefile-default.mk SUBPROJECTS= .build-conf
make[1]: Entering directory 'C:/Users/USER/MPLABXProjects/blink32.X'
make -f nbproject/Makefile-default.mk...
I have a Zoom G5 pedalboard for guitar effects, but the plastic port came loose and disconnected from the 2 metal prongs.
1 of the prongs is broken, I have attempted to solder it back on with no luck due to my lack of experience in this field.
If I take it to a shop to repair, would it be...
Hi, i'm using a PIC32 development board "Pinguino-OTG":
The microcontroller used in the board is a pic32mx440f256h.
I've tried several types of configuration codes and read functions. No matter what, i can't read the AN11 port (of the pic) which is connected to the AN6 pinheader on the board...