hello, I am attempting to build my own servo motors out of dc motor and optical encoders and 3D printed gears. in this way I hope to reduce cost and make precise toque servos.
my question is what internal driver ICs are suitable for it, and what are best encoders. please suggest any other...
I am basically new to all this... ESC stuff..
Thing is i have couple of old hdd's and dvd drive's motors lying around. I need to drive these motors for DIY projects.
So i researched a bit on them and found out that i need some sort of ESC to drive these BLDC motors and Servo controller...
Hey Guys, im making my own tilt servo bracket similar to the one in the picture attached, as part of a school project for an adjustable wing for my whole miniature go kart, but it is due in a few days and i do not own a servo controller/tester or have the time to buy one in time. So im thinking...