signal processing

  1. I

    Is replacing my pulse sensor with an electronic circuit a good idea?

    Hello Community! During My project of "removing motion artifacts from the PPG signal" I faced many problems related to the pulse sensor that it didn't give me any good signal, and it is for commercial use, that's why I decided to build the sensor and replace it with an electronic circuit using...
  2. J

    Sampling ultrasonic signals

    Hi, I want to sample 4 audio sources which frequencies would be between 30 kHz and 40kHz (ultrasonic signals). Is there a microcontroller with ADC that could do that?
  3. J

    Advice for ultrasonic signal processing.

    Hi everybody! I need to recover the signal captured by 3 or 4 hydrophones and doing the respective signal processing (amplification, filtering, ADC). What kind of microcontroller should I use in order to do that? The recovered signal should be between 25 kHz and 200 kHz. Thanks!
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