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Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.


  1. J

    How to find out RAM usage in Embedded Electronic Control Unit (ECU) ?

    Please consider some professional embedded system with 16-bit microcontroller. I know embedded software build tools report program flash memory usage. I think they also report RAM usage but do they report maximum RAM usage? Build tools may not know how much heap will be used during...
  2. J

    Electric defects simulation program/sofftware

    Good afternoon to everyone. I am researching about electrical protections in the industry and I was wondering if anyone knows any program to simulate the defects that affect electrical systems. Thanks in advance
  3. J

    Free software for prototype board circuit design / component placement from schematic?

    Newbie Alert! I have a fairly simple schematic for Bob Beck's plant growth stimulator. I bought some 6 x 7cms prototyping board (with simple row and column copper padded holes matrix) and now have all the electronic components that I need to complete construction. I have looked at several...
  4. Z

    Sanyo Denki Amplifier

    Greetings, I have several Sanyo Denki Py2 amplifiers (with BL Super P5 motors) , but dont have the PY-PC Interface Software (PYIF ). If anyone has this software (Ver 1.3 or higher), please share.
  5. T

    Yenka CAD software Arithmetic Calulations in Flowcharts

    Hi, I was wondering whether somebody could help I am a student and am using the Yenka CAD software to program a PICAXE chip, I was wondering whether anybody knew how to perform arithmetic in a flowchart on a variable x such as division e.g. x / 58. Is this possible with this chip /software, or...
  6. C

    modifiable production-ready software for Renesas Synergy products?

    Hello, Regarding Renesas Synergy platform/products: does anyone know if the production-ready software is easily modifiable for specific products? I'm new to this particular platform; I'm using the S7 Starter kit. Thanks
  7. S

    pdf file corruped

    I open a pdf file with foxit or adobe ,then erro message: format error: not a pdf or corrupted I tried many repair programs but no success. There is no possibility again download this files. Pls quick help.
  8. R

    Slight RANT about KiCad v4

    Hi, I really do not design many circuits but like to draw them in a correct way and therefore I downloaded a fes years ago KiCad v2. Everything was nice those times and I was even able to solder my circuits on perforated boards with copper dots on the bottom part. OK, now I am making a new one...