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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.


  1. O

    Reading Digital + Analog Data from Sensors / Bus

    Hello! I have a PCB that uses STM32U575 MCU and it has 3 sensors shown in the image connected to it through I2C bus. Using internal ADC of the MCU I want to also read the analog data that is coming from the bus. Is there a way to do it? Maybe there is a example or a reference project which I...
  2. O

    Connecting ADC directly to MCU

    Hello everyone! I have a task to choose ADC that will have at least 10 MSPS sampling rate and will be able to connect to STM32U575 directly. I very new with this topic, was searching through and found several ones that look like they might work. Wanted to ask if someone can provide a feedback...
  3. K

    PWM generation

    Hi! I've just read this project and I would like to know where I can find the formulas he uses ... in which file/datasheet. Thanks.
  4. A

    Dual Ethernet and Fiber with Stm32 MPU?

    Hi dear all, I'm looking for dual ethernet examples to implement with my stm32mp157d MPU , but I couldn't find anything on the internet. I've seen that there is no STM32 with dual ethernet interface but i want to add dual ethernet and fiber ports to my stm32mp157d but i can not find any...
  5. S

    STM32F407 software trigger a one pulse timer using HAL

    Hello, I have a question about STM32F407. I was wondering how to software trigger (not external trigger) a "one pulse" timer, using HAL library? Thanks for the help.
  6. C

    Tap on the LCD does not respond

    I made a project to implement it on to click, what is going on?
  7. C

    MicroPython Thread Problem?

    I want to use the thread function and the system throws an error MicroPython v1.9.4-775-gf350b640a on 2019-02-18; PYBv1.1-YD407VG with STM32F407VG Type "help()" for more information. >>> import _thread Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> ImportError: no...
  8. T

    watchdog in stop mode

    hi I'm using stm32 F103RBT8 i want to set my watchdog time out to 15 seconds. in IWDG i have no problem to configure 15 sec time out but the problem is i cant turn off IWDG once i turned it on and in my code i can't reset each time before stop mode. in WWDG it's clock source stops in stop mode...
  9. P

    Unable to Turn on Pins of STM32F446RE

    HI, I have written the below code for my STM32F446RE Nucleo board. All I am trying to do is turn on Pin PA3, Pin PA2 and onboard LED Pin PA5. The code compiled and flashed successfully. But no success in turning on LED pins except onboard LED Pin PA5. I don't know why Pin PA3 and Pin PA2 is...
  10. T

    using printf for two usart in stm32

    hi I'm using stm32 by keil5 compiler and This is my printf function #ifdef __GNUC__ /* With GCC/RAISONANCE, small printf (option LD Linker->Libraries->Small printf set to 'Yes') calls __io_putchar() */ #define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int __io_putchar(int ch) #define GETCHAR_PROTOTYPE int...
  11. A

    STM32 Pen Plotter for PCB drawing

    To fast prototype interconnection PCBs using direct ink on copper, with a cost of 0$ using all needed material from my surplus collection, I made a simple pen plotter using some old printers part, a STM bluepill board and few electronic components. The x axis is a carriage of a dot matrix...
  12. C

    Does ST MC Workbench implement Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) ?

    Hi everyone, Could someone please let me know if ST MC Workbench implements SVPWM ? I have been looking at all features in the workbench but I haven't found any settings which allow tuning of the PWM algorithm. Thanks in advance.
  13. S

    How efficient is the RTC in STM32F051 and 030 series?

    I'm trying to make an IoT based project that works on Real-Time data accumulation, for that, I need to know whether the STMF0 series controller are efficient or not.
  14. N

    NOR flash as USB Mass storage with a Cortex M MCU (For USB Data logger)

    I have a 4MB NOR Flash. i want to show this memory as Mass storage on a PC when connected as a USB device. I have some confusions regarding the need of Filesystems on a NOR flash. I have a reference device (a data logger which mounts its NOR FLASH as USB storage when connected to PC. It uses...
  15. hesam_m

    Connecting a 512K*16bit SRAM (IS62WV51216BLL-55TLI) to a 144-Pin STM32

    Connecting a 512K*16bit SRAM (IS62WV51216BLL-55TLI) to a 144-Pin package STM32 microcontroller, using the FSMC bus In some projects, such as using a graphical LCD by the StemWin (EmWin) library, the embedded STM32’s SRAM capacity might not be sufficient. For the 100-pin and 144-pin STM32...
  16. tom xiao

    A kind of SWD & JTAG Isolater

    Hi, I designed a kind of SWD & JTAG Isolater for Jlink & STLINK, for online debugging. This may keep person and PC USB port from PCB board burning. Can be used in Motor Control, Digital Power and some high-voltage applications. IDE: Keil, IAR, Jflash, STM32 ST-LINK Utility; SWD: 2MHz; JTAG: 6MHz;
  17. D

    ST7565R with STM32F3 discovery board

    Hi, I'm using ST7565R lcd with STM32F3 board but failed to initialize the lcd properly, I added the 1uf capacitors as per datasheet . I have observed 1.358V at the V0 pin and 1.359V at V1,V2,V3,V4 pins . And I have attached my code here, please help me someone to resolve my problem.
  18. Wond3rboy

    My first ARM-STM32F4 discovery

    Hello I am sooo excited!! I have recently purchased my first ARM board. It is the STM32F4 discovery kit with the STM32F407 chip. I have downloaded Keil for development purposes. I wanted to know if there is any simulator for this (Proteus like). I have Proteus 8.0 in my university but I...
  19. K

    STM32 Nucleo and mbed

    Hello everybody and thanks always. This time I would like to ask if someone has tried mbed to program a STM32 Nucleo board. I have one (STM32F091RC) and I have used mbed to program a couple of examples (LED switching, using a button, etc- basic stuff) Now the programs seem quite simple...

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