
  1. S

    Cant get ST7735 display working with Teensy 4.1

    I have an ST7735 (from A-ZDelivery) and a Teensy 4.1, whatever I do I just can get the screen to even come on at all, its connected up as follows: LED > 36 SCK > 13 SDA > 11 A0 > 33 RESET > 7 CS > 2 GROUND > GROUND VCC > 5V #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Include the Adafruit GFX Library...
  2. J

    Help looking for Perfect LCD??

    Hello, I have been searching the Internet for days now, hours wasted scrolling through alibaba and aliexpress with very little luck. I am looking for a 1 to 2.6 inch color lcd (doesn't matter if oled or tft or whatever) with a resolution of around 480x800 or similar with an aspect ratio of...
  3. B

    HundaTech 4.3" I2C TFT Display Please Help

    Hi I hava a HundaTech 4.3" I2C TFT Display (Link Below) and want to display value read from the analog pin of my arduino DUE. The communication config i using is I2C Has anyone successfully managed to get the display on the lcd...
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