I would like to fully charge then discharge the capacitor using the two switches . Charge for 50s then discharge for another 50s seconds. Please help me. I am not getting the capacitor to discharge pass half the source voltage.
Hi guys,
I am a total noob and just learned voltage division. I was given this circuit and was wondering why it is appropriate to apply voltage division across the 60 and 20 ohm resistors.
I know they are in series which is the basis for voltage division, however the 45 ohm resistor on the...
Hi, I am trying to power a Piezo Buzzer between 3.3VDC and 5VDC.
The voltage is being adjusted so the sound is low (at 3.3VDC) and loud(at 5VDC).
My attachment can be a little misleading. Alarm_low doesn't suggest the volume is low, just the number of beeps. Same holds true for Alarm_medium...
I would like to make a simulation with 3 voltage controlled switches with Ltspice. Below, the circuit :
But, there is a problem. If I put 1V or 0V, like in the picture, in input of the switch there is something in both output. I don't understand why.
Any ideas ?
Thank you in advance.