Without changing the code, you can easily convince anybody that the "simulation is not running at real time due to your cpu speed"
and you can see the proof in the message written at the message bar of the ISIS application.
hello! i have placed the circuit on the breadboard but it doesnt seem to work.. the display doesn't light up in any way?.. anything you can say about it?
hello! i have placed the circuit on the breadboard but it doesnt seem to work.. the display doesn't light up in any way?.. anything you can say about it?
Blinking is "probably good". It might actually show that "inter-digit" blanking is being used. I did not look at the code.
Just from my old days of 6800 class programming and a clock I made at an HP/Agilent Explorer's post.
You have to briefly turn off the digit scan while loading the new digit. Otherwise, you will see artifacts (Low brightness versions of the previous digit)