1.5V 3A Voltage Regulator and current monitor using EC1587CT

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New Member
Hi All

I am wanting to make a step down voltage regulator to step down 4.2V using a Single Li-Poly battery down to 1.5V at 3amp I have the EC1587CT but I am new but very interested in DIY projects. I want to create a circuit that also monitors when there is current draw by lighting up a LED so that I know current is being drawn and when its not. I need some help with creating this project. I downloaded this Eagle Layout editor which looks really cool but way over my head to draw the diagram. I was wanting to etch my own board to at some point of the project.

Thank you for any help its appreicated.

any ideas instead of watching the current perhaps i could just check resistance. The idea is to heat up a coil when the coil is being heated the light should be on if the coil is bad aka brake in the coil no LED indicated the coil needs replaced...

Any help is appreciated.

You don't say how much current a good coil will draw. Sensing the current is probably the way to go.
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