1 MHz Square wave generator

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New Member
Hello, I want to generate a 1 MHz Square wave that outputs at 10V pk-pk.

I don't know that much about oscillators, I have made a wein-bridge sine wave oscillator before but it was at a lot lower frequency and used an op amp.

I was wondering if it would be better to use a crystal instead as I would need an Op Amp with a fast slew rate also if I used a crystal how it would fit into the circuit.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
An oscillator driving an inverter at 5V will produce a 10v pk-pk signal between input and output. You could even do it with a pic chip running at 8MHz.

Unless you need the accuracy a crystal provides a simple but reliable oscillator can be built with just a CMOS Schmitt inverter, one R and one C. The 4000 series CMOS chips can run at 10V.

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