10,000 character limit

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Well-Known Member
Not really a bug as such, yesterday i tried to post what appeared to be a fairly short ASM code, It wasnt doing anything special and for ASM seemed fairly short. But i got the 10,000 character limit error.
I think in future this wll become a real pain for the ASM guy's, i had to post the code in 3 parts! Obviously with the formatting it must have had alot of spaces, and ASM has by nature alot of characters in, so would it be possible to raise this limit? Or is there a work around other than posting in parts, for example will turning flash off bypass this limit or is it a site wide limit?
so, put it in a PDF along with the explanations. The code could have also been posted separately without the annotations if you needed too.

Just recently, I had to write a pretty complex email and then I said, nah, let's make it a report of some sort and paste it as a PDF.

I did the right thing.
or raise the limit, and just cut and paste inside code tags! not sure i would go to the trouble of pdf and messing about for the particular thread i referred to, maybe there is a reason its 10,000 or maybe it was just an arbutary number or default setting. All i am asking, is there a reason we cant have more characters when posting code in tags. If we cant then ok i look at other option's, but maybe EM comes back and say's, its a default setting in the software and no problem to double it! after all they dont get charged by the character, if they do then they can host on one my servers,that has unlimited bandwidth and space and is based on a fast connection in the states.
I've just increased this limit to 20,000. Do you think that will be enough. Also you could add the asm as an attachment without zipping it..

Also just to add, in terms of search (internal and google), having the code in the message is best, the next best would be as an asm attachment.
Thanks EM, Its the first time i have posted ASM, so i have no idea how large they normally are. 20,000 characters, i would have thought would be a very large C program, also with C things tend to be in sveral files so the limit isnt so much a problem.
This code, you say?

You could save and read off line or just open and read while you are here.

BTW note the humble (but useful) weight.


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