100base-Tx Ethernet to TTL????

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Maybe your developments in the space will make it easier to implement such links?

Yeah exactly. My goal is to make it dirt cheep, simple, and obtainable by all... if that's at all possible. Mostly because as you said, it's an underdeveloped technology that has it's strengths.

And sure they make DSP's, CPLD's and prebuilt VLSI devices that do portions of this already. How much is it going to cost? Who's going to be able to wire them up by hand? Just how many people have development environments for those chips? I may have and be able to do that stuff my self, but I'm 1 in 1 million. Am I supposed to make these for every one and then try to sell them? IDK... I'm pretty lazy, so I'd rather not. But I'm down to make it easier for others to make such things if it can be done. I'm in the simulator right now... we'll see what happens.
In the code box below is the circuit I'm playing with right now (made in the last ~20 mins). You can open this, play with it, and view it by going to https://www.falstad.com/circuit/. There is also a link on that page to download the java applet for offline use.

Allow the simulator java applet to run, go to file>import and copy and past the contents of the code box below into the window that pops up. Doing this with code box apparently screws with scope view for the second TTL output. You can fix this by right clicking it and selecting "view in scope", followed shortly by right clicking the scope view and selecting "stack" for best view.

You'll notice that the two outputs are on at the same time for a brief moment. If you adjust the trimmer pot for lower and lower resistances, the time they are both on increases more and more. After I fix the inverted voltages of the output "TTL out 2, this effect can be combined with a AND gate to make three 5v TTL wires that run at ~25Mhz. Which is barely in the reach of the 74LS family TTL devices.

The problems I mentioned before with this circuit still exist, It's a WIP. Anyone's attempt to modify and improve on it are welcome. And it's OK to use LTspice instead, I have that application also.

$ 1 5.0E-12 3.9121283998153213 50 5.0 50
w 432 288 432 320 0
w 496 288 432 288 0
w 496 304 496 288 0
w 576 320 560 320 0
w 576 400 576 320 0
174 432 320 560 320 0 5000.0 0.8267000000000001 Trimmer Resistance
w 224 416 240 416 0
w 224 336 240 336 0
w 432 320 432 336 0
w 432 384 432 336 0
T 240 336 336 416 0 3.5E-4 1.0 7.809747219915393E-4 -6.709748399683119E-4 0.999
v 224 416 224 336 0 1 2.5E7 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
r 432 416 336 416 0 500.0
g 432 464 432 512 0
r 432 416 432 464 0 500.0
r 336 336 432 336 0 500.0
a 432 400 576 400 0 5.0 -5.0 1000000.0
r 576 320 656 320 0 500.0
t 656 320 704 320 0 1 -5.9168779499926725 -0.916877950012047 200.0
r 704 304 704 224 0 200.0
R 704 224 704 160 0 0 40.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
w 704 304 848 304 0
w 576 400 576 464 0
r 576 464 656 464 0 500.0
t 656 464 704 464 0 -1 -0.569677592091998 -0.6565934170101835 200.0
r 704 480 704 544 0 200.0
R 704 544 704 592 0 0 40.0 -5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
w 704 448 704 400 0
w 704 400 704 336 0
g 704 400 752 400 0
w 704 480 848 480 0
x 249 303 326 307 0 14 100base-TX
x 251 318 329 322 0 14 Transformer
x 173 441 260 445 0 14 25Mhz 2v P-P
x 461 477 561 481 0 14 Differential Amp
x 760 289 822 293 0 14 TTL out 1
x 759 470 821 474 0 14 TTL out 2
x 754 499 835 502 0 10 (inverted for now)
x 457 495 565 498 0 10 (must handle < 25Mhz)
x 457 277 538 281 0 14 Gain trimmer
x 234 195 501 201 0 24 Crude MLT-3 LAN to TTL
x 186 218 563 222 0 14 Adjust resistance slider on the right to effect TTL dead zone
o 21 64 0 35 5.0 9.765625E-5 0 -1
o 30 64 0 35 5.0 9.765625E-5 0 -1
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