10V and 10A @ 160kHz square wave

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New Member

I need a circuit which is capable to create a 160kHz square wave out of a 10V 10A DC signal. I am not sure if 555 can achieve this frequency but it would be great if the frequency and the duty cycle would be adjustable.

please help me out with a schematic.

A 555 should be ok for 160kHz, depending how steep the flanks of the square-wave have to be. But it certainly can't put out 10A .
Sounds like you'll need the LMC555 for the frequency you want, to get the power you want you'll need some beefy transistors, the current output of the LMC555 isn't that great so it's probably not going to drive 10amp bipolar transistors directly, especially the sinking current is weak(only 10ma), so I'd suggest a pair of bipolar transistors (per Mosfet gate) that work at a higher voltage so you can use them to bootstrap the output of the LMC555 to a higher voltage that would feed the FET gates.

Even with an output voltage of 5 volts, you're going to have a HARD time finding a logic level FET that will be low ohmic at 5 volts gate drive with a 10amp source/drain current, so you'll really need some kind of Mosfet gate driver.

I don't have the time to draw up a schematic for that but the design is pretty simple and something you should be able to work.
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Sounds nuts trying to drive a 10A motor at 160kHz?

Maybe it's for a new-age type electrolysis cell, you know, the ones that operate at the resonant frequency of the H2O molecule...
Actually Mr RB was really close. A friend of mine wants do electrolysis. I was not aware of the purpose of the circuit, and certainly not gonna provide him any infos. At the end he will blow himself up anyways, but I dont want to be the part of it.

Thanks guys for all the ideas.
At the end he will blow himself up anyways, but I dont want to be the part of it.
Don't blame you! Besides, you don't get any kudos from assisting someone to get their Darwin Award
You sure you don't mean 160hz? 160khz would be pointless for electrolysis.

I know nothing about electrolysis, but the guy mentioned 160kHz. Pretty good if it is useless, since he wont be able to open a wormhole with it then as I said I wont help him out on this, so we can consider this topic as resolved.


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