Sorry to drift off topic a bit, but were their books, coursework, or something you guys went through to gain all this knowledge with PIC's? How long have you been working with them? Is learning about them more just getting your hands dirty figuring this stuff out through the datasheets, and what not?
It seems there is a breaking point where once you understand a certain level, everything else seems to click and make sense. I understand most of the various basic concepts with what is being done, but I've not found much really basic detail in a lot of the real "Beginner" type articles. No offense to Nigel, but even dumbfounded me. I don't fault him, as he clearly labels most every line, goes through some of the basic commands in the description. But, even coming in with some electronics background, developing professionally for a living, it was overwhelming at what I was seemingly not grasping.
I mean look at it from a complete beginner, ok so __config 0x3D18 "sets the configuration settings", what in the world is 0x3D18?!? Can you change this? Is it always this value? What is a W register, and why can't I just directly reference values? What does CMCMON mean? It's these type of things that I think are missing. For all I know they may be out there somewhere, I just haven't found them. I can't even find a reference on Microchip's site for the various assembly syntax!
I always feel bad asking the really dumb obvious questions, as I know there's more valid questions to be asked on the forum than "What is W register and why can't I pass a value directly" and you all would rather be answering more in-depth questions. I feel like I'm trying to ask the equivalent of "What farad rating do I need for my light emitting transistor capacitor". While I appreciate the amazing help from people on this forum, and people like Nigel who put together tutorials to help people, I still feel like there is still something that is missing that could really help people get started in PIC's.
So often the answer to questions is "You could probably do that with a pic", but even when you take the initiative to find the answer out on your own, you just hit a brick wall either in understanding or sheer unavailability of the information. Honestly, even huge resources like PicList seem utterly useless to me. Nothing you search for seems very well compiled and speaks to people with a much higher level of understanding than someone who is just getting started.
I know that there are 1000 schools of thought when it comes to pic's, using assembly, programmers, methodologies, which chips are better, etc. and you can't cover them all. I would be surprised if nobody else feels there is such a steep learning curve when trying to even get your feet wet. I want to learn and find answers on my own, I don't want others to do things for me, and I think that's a misconception. It would be nice if there was a consolidated resource that addressed things like just getting started and the really raw basics.
If I had the knowledge, I'd gladly help put together a preface for tutorials like Nigel's as I think it could really benefit people - and I'm sure Nigel has better things to do than go over all the low-level basics, but I'll be honest - I still feel clueless
I suppose what I'm trying to say is I appreciate all of your help, and a sincere thank you to all of you who deal with the likes of me who probably sound absurd at times. I'll probably look back in the future and be amazed at the silly questions I've asked. Just be patient with me, I'll get it eventually