12f628 thermometer with 3310 nokia lcd

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pieter jamneck

New Member
hi there.(16f628a with 3310 lcd thermo meter)

I am having problems with this thermo,red led flashes and lcd only one big black block.

I am quite new to pics,some help would be nice.


  • PICThermo NICE!!.zip
    196.3 KB · Views: 452
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hi colin,

sorry ,im also busy with another project using 12f675.

any advice on the 16f628? would it make any difference using a 16f628a?

hi colin,

sorry ,im also busy with another project using 12f675.

any advice on the 16f628? would it make any difference using a 16f628a?


This is zip I downloaded from the web some time ago, it may have some useful info.


  • nokia1.zip
    346.3 KB · Views: 362
hi there.(16f628a with 3310 lcd thermo meter)
only one big black block.

check the source ... the

Contrast con   10       'regolazione contrasto display

line defines contrast as 10 - change this (use numbers between 0 and 250 .. 120 is much more likely to work then 10) - and you should have the picture on your screen.
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