Active Member
I wrote a program this morning (pulse 3 pins on a 12F675). I need pins GPIO 0-2 for the actual work and thought I would use GPIO.3 (MCLR) for an LED to blink (so I know it is working, right!). I am using an external osc at 32Khz on the other two pins.
GPIO 0-2 are working fine (and did from the first burn many hours ago). But I did not know this until now (as I stared at the LED on GPIO.3 LED and assumed it was my ICD2, etc). Amazing sometimes how we get lost on dumb stuff. Anyway.
I did not write to CMCON, just TRIS GPIO and 0-2 seem to work fine as digital output. BUT, I can not get the GPIO.3 to work as an output.
Any 12F675 experts out there?
GPIO 0-2 are working fine (and did from the first burn many hours ago). But I did not know this until now (as I stared at the LED on GPIO.3 LED and assumed it was my ICD2, etc). Amazing sometimes how we get lost on dumb stuff. Anyway.
I did not write to CMCON, just TRIS GPIO and 0-2 seem to work fine as digital output. BUT, I can not get the GPIO.3 to work as an output.
Any 12F675 experts out there?