12V DC to 120V AC inverter

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New Member
i want to know the working of the circuit


  • Inverter Circuit.JPG
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One point is that the 9.1V zener will be destroyed as soon as the 12V is applied.!!

With such an obvious error I would be suspicious of the rest of the circuit.
It appears to be a simple square-wave inverter with each half of the split-input winding alternately connected the the +12V by the darlington transistors.

The darlington transistors have a relatively high on-voltage so the efficiency would be poor.
I already explained all this in a PM about 6 hours ago.
Also 3 pins of the IC are not connected so it won't work.
It is a stupid simple circuit without any voltage regulation. Most electronic products will not work from its square-wave.
Why do websites post garbage circuits like this with so many errors?
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