12V Project need guidance

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New Member
I have a device that will trigger when it senses 3 (+) or (-) pulses in a row. When the device triggers it will output a (- 150ma) or (+) ( for 30 seconds )to roll down my windows and top or roll up my windows and top. This device has already been aquired and I needed to use it to interface with my factory remote ( for a car).

This is my problem. The trigger Im using is the wires off the lock.unlock motor

The motor shows these conditions
( wire 1 and wire 2 are the motor wires)

wire 1 is + ( around 7 VDC)
wire 2 is -

wire 1 is + ( about 5VDC)
wire 2 is +

Since IM using a positive trigger, when unlocking wire 1 will kick off the lock device ( roll up windows). I only want the device connected to wire 2 ( which is + during unlock) to kick off.

I thought abot killing power to the device on wire 1 using a relay but I really dont want to use a realy.

Is there any project I could build that when it senses wire 1 is + and wire 2 is - to activate a device? I.E. send power to the device

or when it senses wire 1 is + and wire 2 is + to kill power to a device?

or is there a device that on a constant + kill power to a device?

Thank for all your help. If you need additional information please ask
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