12vDC car to 24v Charger

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New Member
hey new here, but not to electronics
question: can anyone help with a schematic of how to build a 24v charger for two 12v 700cca marine group 31 batteries to charge from a car 12v source and not overcharge the batteries
-this schematic is the only one i could find-


  • 24v-47ah-battery-charger-circuit.jpg
    18.2 KB · Views: 4,884

hi and welcome,
That circuit is not suitable for your application.
The 9V to 40V input and 24V charger is misleading.

It should say IMO, 24V input for a 12V battery charge output, also the LM317K will get very hot.

For any voltage input less than approx 15V it will give less than 12Vout.

You require a 12Vdc to 24Vdc Boost converter circuit.


**broken link removed**
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