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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

12VDC to 120VAC

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New Member
Hi All,

I am looking forward for this project and before starting this project and building circuit what test shell i go for and will this be a good project to choose for my 5th semester end electronic projects any new or cutting edge electronic project for suggestion which will be very benificial to choose.......

waiting for you kind suggestions


  • inverter.gif
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What frequency do you want, because the circuit you provided is about 50kHz .

How did you determine this? No component values are given.
Read the 250 comments about the circuit. No-one has actually made the circuit and found that it works.
The output voltage drops when a load is applied and the capacitors blow up either instantly or within 2 hours.
A circuit like this generally operates at 20kHz to 50kHz to get enough energy from the circuit to drive the transistors into full conduction.

The best arrangement has already been discussed:
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You can already buy 300watt inverters for $49. They are drop-proof, short-circuit proof and contain hundreds of components. You cannot beat the Chinese. I bought one.
No i dont need to buy but i need a electronic project which i can build i and submit it toward the end of the end of the semester any ideas what should i do
The circuit I showed you is very primative, but it works. You will have to get your own 100VA transformer.
any alternate project that can be implemented and any new cutting edge electronic project
The first posted inverter project is extremely old. Its capacitors have backwards polarity so I think the circuit originally used PNP germanium transistors 40 years ago.
The silicon transistors have avalanche-breakdown of their reverse-biased emitter-base junctions that wastes a lot of power blowing up the capacitors.
The base current for the transistors is way too low for an inverter.

The existing very long topic about it at is the second topic about that horrible circuit. The first topic also has tales of many people trying to make it work.

It is too simple to work and it is too simple for a school project.
Yes, that inverter is not really "cutting edge".
(I prefer the term "state of the art", but then I don't have a fetish for knives).

The more advanced stuff in electronics uses microcontrollers. You can replace a board full of electronics with a single chip and a few lines of code. If you made the inverter detect battery charge and quality, display remaining time based on load, that would probably be cutting edge (certainly "state of the art").

One cutting edge project would be to hook an inexpensive web cam to a microcontroller and do image detection. Another would be a "multitouch" interface for a computer terminal. Almost anything with robotics would qualify - maybe you could get the robot to carry car batteries around on its head for the 12V power inverters!
maybe you could get the robot to carry car batteries around on its head for the 12V power inverters!
In The Philippines, many people do not have electricity. They use an inverter and a car battery to power fluorescent tube lights and multi-voltage TVs.
They have a service where a guy on a motorcycle picks up a discharged battery and replaces it with a charged battery.
Can you picture a guy on a motorcycle dragging along the road many car batteries in a string behind him?? Maybe he hauls a cart full of batteries.
Maybe a pretty girl swaps the batteries.;)
Somebody mentioned something about this on here (maybe it was audioguru) a few months ago, and since then I've seen dozens of pages on the web relating this odd phenomena from all over the world.

Still can't quite get a handle on what's going on. In some places apparently there are so many people that steal power from utility lines that the power company can't survive. Apparently the local gendarme is completely useless, or on the take, or doesn't even exist - and people that live there think that's just terrific: no cops, no law, steal anything and everything.

The gas-powered generator would make sense - but if you've got one, apparently you make money off it charging the batteries and selling them. Also, you have to guard the generator night and day or someone will steal it.

Seems to be a world where you have to chain the hood on your car down or they will steal engine parts, people constantly get kidnapped for ransom, gangs shake down merchants for "protection money", people steal everything including the copper wire in your house.

Why? This is the part I can't understand. Is it because of a society that glorifys the criminal?
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I went to a training course in New York city. I stayed at a hotel on Long Island. I took a taxi to the training center each day.

In the morning I saw a car stopped at the side of the highway and in the evening its tires and doors were gone. I couldn't believe that robbers would steal from a car on the side of a highway in the daytime.

During hurricanes in America looters were stealing stuff from everywhere. I also couldn't believe it.

Canada also has criminals and they are not all American immigrants.
This winter Quebec passed a law that all cars must use snow tires. The factories could not make enough. So people would wake up and see their car on their driveway with its brand new snow tires gone!
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