12vdc to 6.7vdc regualtor

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Sorry, I'm doing another project, I'm in the air cond. business. I'm making a board for controing two driffrent thermostats with only one Air Cond. Because one thermstat is located upstairs and the other down stairs in a house. the man didn't like the idea of going upstairs and turning the system off or on, so he ask for other thermstat to be put down stairs. The board that I'm making will have two relays for each thermostat, two for down stairs and two for upstairs and one control relay. to switch from one and the other i will be using a three way light switch. thats why I asked if I can use the Reg. I know I have to add something else to the cict. I was thinking of using a 120vac to 24v vdc.
How were we supposed to know this was for a different project?

How much current do you require?

Does it need to be regulated?

**broken link removed**

all this circ. is going to do is control 4 pcb relays, or I can just us a standard reg. wall trans. with 4 relays at 200ma thats 800ma.

Hero999: I will be using the good all-round circ. for my metal dector, I have all the parts, except for the inductor and the High speed 2amp transistor, also don't know what the inductor should be???? on the transistor , all I know it has to be 2mp.??????? can you gave me some numbers? also when I get it hook up to the metal decetor will the Regualtor get hot??????? Thank You. BOB.
transistor for the black

hero999 still can't find the transistor Q1 you said it needs fast,high gain at least Hfe of 50 rated at 2 amp.?????
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