16 x 16 RGY display

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Active Member
Here's something a friend of mine and I made in our spare time.

It uses a pic (doesn't really matter which one) to drive two 4017's (multiplexers) and four 595's (colour drivers). This is just an example of what it displays.

It was impossible to put all 4 next to each other on the breadboard.

Here's the pictures!


  • DSC00870.JPG
    2.7 MB · Views: 252
  • DSC00874.JPG
    2.8 MB · Views: 221
  • DSC00872.JPG
    3 MB · Views: 206
i have an RGB display, it's dimensions are much bigger and it cost about 20 times more if i remember correctly.

I'll play with that some time in the future!
Why its called RGY....?
usually Yellow is not in a group member of R and G... It should be with C and M right...
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Light is an additive pallet not a subtractive one, R+G==Y

CYMK is Cyan Yellow, Magenta, Black. These are from an ADDITIVE pallet.
Black is used in colour printers because the best black pigments are WAY better than the best CYM pigments together.

Paint and light are not the same.
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Yes he must have been birdman, He couldn't have been talking about light.
R and G make Yellow with light that makes them a nice and tidy group =)

Cyan and Magenta are pigments in an additive pallete, IE paints or absorptive pigments.
I was talking about light itself.
I thought LEDs usually come with RGB combinations..
I was not aware of RG LEDs...
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i'm a copier technician and if i remember correctly, the YMCK is a SUBTRACTIVE color model(for toners, etc.) whereas RGB is an ADDITIVE color model(lights, etc.) and the RYB is another set of subtractive primaries(primarily for painting). i may be wrong with the RYB model, but i'm pretty sure about the YMCK and RGB
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