16f1827 code in asm & hi-tech c

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Here are my first couple programs just to get it working while I read the data sheet. They both work on the 16F1827 with a 20mhz crystal. Use the other config1 line for internal clock.
Feel free to add any programs / subroutines to this thread.

Blinks 8 LEDs on PORTB in asm.
;Modified from Tutorial 1.5 - Nigel Goodwin 2002 tutorials from Electrotech online

list  p=16f1827      ; list directive to define processor
#include <p16f1827.inc> ; processor specific variable definitions

cblock  0x20    ;start of general purpose registers
  count1    ;used in delay routine
  counta    ;used in delay routine
  countb    ;used in delay routine
LEDPORT Equ PORTB  ;set constant LEDPORT = 'PORTB'
LEDTRIS Equ TRISB  ;set constant for TRIS register

org 0x0000  ;org sets the origin, 0x0000 for the 16F628,
    ;this is where the program starts running
; movlw 0x07
; movwf CMCON  ;turn comparators off (make it like a 16F84)
;    bsf  STATUS,  RP0 ;This doesn't work on 16F1827 use BANKSEL instead
    movlw  b'00000000'  ;set PortB all outputs
    movwf  LEDTRIS
; bcf STATUS,  RP0 This doesn't work on 16F1827 use BANKSEL instead
clrf LEDPORT  ;set all outputs low
movlw b'10000000'
; movlw b'11111111'
call Delay  ;this waits for a while!
movlw b'01000000'
call Delay  ;this waits for a while!
movlw b'00100000'
call Delay  ;this waits for a while!
movlw b'00010000'
call Delay  ;this waits for a while!
movlw b'00001000'
call Delay  ;this waits for a while!
movlw b'00000100'
call Delay  ;this waits for a while!
movlw b'00000010'
call Delay  ;this waits for a while!
movlw b'00000001'
call Delay  ;this waits for a while!
goto Loop  ;go back and do it again
Delay movlw d'250' ;d'250'  ;delay 250 ms (4 MHz clock)
movwf count1
d1 movlw 0xC7
movwf counta
movlw 0x01
movwf countb
decfsz counta, f
goto $+2
decfsz countb, f
goto Delay_0
decfsz count1 ,f
goto d1
retlw 0x00

Reads ADC on AN0 and outputs the high 8 bits to LEDs on PORTB in asm.

;Modified from Nigel Goodwin's tutorials from Electrotech online

list  p=16f1827      ; list directive to define processor
#include <p16f1827.inc> ; processor specific variable definitions
ERRORLEVEL 0, -302  ;suppress bank selection messages
;_FOSC_HS is external crystal, 20 mhz because I couldn't get internal 8 mhz working

cblock  0x20    ;start of general purpose registers
  count1    ;used in delay routine
  counta    ;used in delay routine
  countb    ;used in delay routine
org 0x0000  ;org sets the origin, 0x0000 for the 16F628,
    ;this is where the program starts running

;This code block configures the ADC
;for polling, Vdd and Vss references, Frc
;clock and AN0 input.
;Conversion start & polling for completion
; are included.
; movlw  b'11110000' ;Right justify, Frc
movlw  b'01110000' ;Left justify, Frc clock
; movlw  b'00100000' ;Left justify, /32
MOVWF ADCON1 ;Vdd and Vss Vref
    movlw  b'00000000'  ;set PortB all outputs
    movwf  TRISB
BSF TRISA,0 ;Set RA0 to input
BSF ANSELA,0 ;Set RA0 to analog
movlw  b'00000001' ;Select channel AN0
;CALL SampleTime ;Acquisiton delay
call Delay50  ;this waits for a while!
BSF ADCON0,ADGO ;Start conversion
BTFSC ADCON0,ADGO ;Is conversion done?
GOTO $-1 ;No, test again
MOVF ADRESH,W ;Left justified, Read upper Byte
movwf PORTB
MOVWF RESULTHI ;store in GPR space
MOVF ADRESL,W ;Read lower 8 bits
MOVWF RESULTLO ;Store in GPR space
goto Loop  ;go back and do it again

Delay255 movlw 0xff  ;delay 255 mS
  goto d0
Delay100 movlw d'100'  ;delay 100mS
  goto d0
Delay50  movlw d'50'  ;delay 50mS
  goto d0
Delay20  movlw d'20'  ;delay 20mS
  goto d0
Delay5  movlw 0x05  ;delay 5.000 ms (20 MHz clock)
d0  movwf count1
d1  movlw 0xE7
  movwf counta
  movlw 0x04
  movwf countb
Delay_0  decfsz counta, f
  goto $+2
  decfsz countb, f
  goto Delay_0
  decfsz count1 ,f
  goto d1
  retlw 0x00
;end of Delay routines
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If I had to read books again after being away from assembly for months, I decided to go with HI-TECH C instead. I like easy floating point math and sprintf to format output to the LCD.
I use Nigel Goodwin's tutorials in asm... for an asm library and circuits. I use his 16F628a boards for the 16F1827. (same pinout)
Now using HI-TECH C, I use Nigel's tutorials.. re-written in C by Ian Rogers. https://www.electro-tech-online.com/content/467-nigel-goodwin-s-tutorials-c.html as a starting place for C programs and subroutines.
Thank you Nigel and Ian.
Some things are changed in the 16F628a code for the enhanced 16F1827.
This is a 16 bit counter using sprintf to format output to the LCD.
This is the wiring for the LCD using Hitachi HD44780 (use on port B)

// 16F1827 16 bit counter in HI-TECH C
#include <pic.h>  // pic specific identifiers
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define _XTAL_FREQ  4000000  // Xtal speed
__CONFIG(0x01E4);// Config1 bits
__CONFIG(0x1CFF);    // Config2 bits
#define LCD_PORT PORTB  // constants
#define LCD_TRIS TRISB  //
#define LCD_RS   RB4
#define LCD_RW  RB6
#define LCD_E  RB7
  // Required prototypes.. each function needs to be declared
  // if called BEFORE definition.
void LCD_init(void), LCD_cmd(unsigned char ch);
void LCD_goto(char line, char column), LCD_clr(void);
void LCD_cur(unsigned char ch), pulse_E(void);
void LCD_char(unsigned char ch), LCD_charD(unsigned char ch);
void interrupt isr(void);
// From ADC program
void LCD_printC(const char *str), LCD_printR(char *str);
void delayMs(int x), InitADC(void);
int ReadADC(unsigned char ch);
unsigned char LCDbuffer[17];
unsigned char text1[] = {"16 bit counter."};
void main(void)  // program entry
  OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b00001101; // 4 MHz 4 bits
  ANSELB = 0;  //Set PORTB as digital I/O
  int index = 0;
  int number = 0;  // new counting variable
  LCD_TRIS = 0b00000000;  // Led port as outputs
  __delay_ms(150);  // let LCD stabilise
  LCD_init();  // Initalise screen
  LCD_goto(1,0);  // line 1.
  while(text1[index] != 0)  // while text1[index] is'nt zero
  LCD_char(text1[index++]);  // write message 1
  while(1)  // endless Loop
  sprintf(LCDbuffer,"%6u ",number);  // unsigned 6 digits
//  sprintf(LCDbuffer,"%5d ",number);  // signed 5 digits
  LCD_printR(LCDbuffer);  // use sprintf to format
void LCD_init()
  LCD_cmd(0x20);  // 4 bit
  LCD_cmd(0x28);  // display shift
  LCD_cmd(0x6);  // character mode
  LCD_cmd(0xc);  // display on / off and cursor
  LCD_clr();  // clear display
void LCD_printR(char * str)    // This passes the start of a RAM character array
  {  // by default the pointer points to data section
  while(*str != 0)  // while the character pointed to isn't 0
  LCD_char(*str++);  // print out the character, then increment
void LCD_goto(char line, char column)  // combines line and lineW
  unsigned char data = 0x80;  // default to 1
  if(line == 2)data = 0xc0;  // change to 2
  data += column;  // add in  column
void LCD_clr()
  LCD_cmd(1);  // Clr screen
void LCD_cur(char on)
  unsigned char cur = 0xc;  // cursor off
  if(on) cur = 0xd;  // cursor on
void LCD_cmd(unsigned char ch)
  LCD_PORT = ch >> 4 & 0xf;  // write high nibble
  LCD_RS = 0;
  LCD_PORT = ch & 0xf;  // write low nibble
  LCD_RS = 0;
void LCD_charD(unsigned char ch)
  LCD_char(ch);  // convert to ascii
void LCD_char(unsigned char ch)
  LCD_PORT = ch >> 4 & 0xf;  // High nibble
  LCD_RS = 1;
  LCD_PORT = ch & 0xf;  // low nibble
  LCD_RS = 1;
void pulse_E()
  LCD_E = 1;
  LCD_E = 0;
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Nice to see my tutorials moving on

I've been using the 16F1827 a lot recently, it's a REALLY nice device, and I've been considering adding 1827 versions to the tutorials, as I've already done various parts of them (such as the LCD routines) - but like everything else, it's a question of getting round to it.
This uses the Ultrasonic Ranging Module HC-SR04 to measure distance.
Data sheet https://elecfreaks.com/store/download/HC-SR04.pdf
Many places have them for < $5.00.
It uses the 16 bit Timer1 to measure the Echo pulse.
There are only 4 pins. +5 volts, ground, Trigger goes to RB5 and Echo goes to RA2 on the 16F1827.
There is a lot of application info online.
This is the wiring for the LCD using Hitachi HD44780

// 16F1827 and Ultrasonic Ranging Module HC-SR04 to measure distance.
// LCD on port B. Trigger goes to RB5 and Echo goes to RA2.
#include <pic.h> // pic specific identifiers
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000 // Xtal speed
__CONFIG(0x01E4); // Config1 bits
__CONFIG(0x1CFF); // Config2 bits
#define LCD_PORT PORTB // constants
#define LCD_TRIS TRISB //
#define LCD_RS RB4
#define LCD_RW RB6
#define LCD_E RB7
// Required prototypes.. each function needs to be declared
// if called BEFORE definition.
void LCD_init(void), LCD_cmd(unsigned char ch);
void LCD_goto(char line, char column), LCD_clr(void);
void LCD_cur(unsigned char ch), pulse_E(void);
void LCD_char(unsigned char ch), LCD_charD(unsigned char ch);
void LCD_printC(const char *str), LCD_printR(char *str);
unsigned char LCDbuffer[17];
unsigned char text1[] = {"Distance"};
void main(void) // program entry
OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b00001101; // 4 MHz 4 bits
ANSELA = 0b11100011; //Set PORTA 2,3,4 as digital Input
ANSELB = 0; //Set PORTB as digital I/O
div_t x; // Needed for division
int index = 0;
int time = 0;
int distance = 0;
LCD_TRIS = 0b00000000; // LCD port as outputs
__delay_ms(150); // let LCD stabilise
LCD_init(); // Initalise screen
LCD_goto(1,0); // line 1.
while(text1[index] != 0) // while text1[index] is'nt zero
LCD_char(text1[index++]); // write message 1
while(1) // endless Loop
RB5 = 1; //Ping the sonar trigger
RB5 = 0; //turn off the sonar trigger
TMR1H =0;
TMR1L =0;
while(RA2==0) // wait for echo pin to go high
T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 1; // turn on T1, counting until echo pin goes low
while(RA2==1) // wait for echo pin to go low
T1CONbits.TMR1ON = 0; // turn off T1
time =(TMR1L+(TMR1H*256)); // all of 16 bit Timer1
LCD_goto(2,1); // line 2.
// distance=time*0.028 + 1.093 ; // Calculating the distance
distance = time / 145; // inches on mine
sprintf(LCDbuffer,"%6u",distance); // unsigned? 6 digits
LCD_printR(LCDbuffer); // use sprintf to format
LCD_char(34); // 34 is " character, 27 is '
void LCD_init()
LCD_cmd(0x20); // 4 bit
LCD_cmd(0x28); // display shift
LCD_cmd(0x6); // character mode
LCD_cmd(0xc); // display on / off and cursor
LCD_clr(); // clear display
void LCD_printR(char * str) // This passes the start of a RAM character array
{ // by default the pointer points to data section
while(*str != 0) // while the character pointed to isn't 0
LCD_char(*str++); // print out the character, then increment
void LCD_goto(char line, char column) // combines line and lineW
unsigned char data = 0x80; // default to 1
if(line == 2)data = 0xc0; // change to 2
data += column; // add in column
void LCD_clr()
LCD_cmd(1); // Clr screen
void LCD_cur(char on)
unsigned char cur = 0xc; // cursor off
if(on) cur = 0xd; // cursor on
void LCD_cmd(unsigned char ch)
LCD_PORT = ch >> 4 & 0xf; // write high nibble
LCD_RS = 0;
LCD_PORT = ch & 0xf; // write low nibble
LCD_RS = 0;
void LCD_charD(unsigned char ch)
LCD_char(ch); // convert to ascii
void LCD_char(unsigned char ch)
LCD_PORT = ch >> 4 & 0xf; // High nibble
LCD_RS = 1;
LCD_PORT = ch & 0xf; // low nibble
LCD_RS = 1;
void pulse_E()
LCD_E = 1;
LCD_E = 0;


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This is a Dual ADC on AN0 & AN1 for the 16F1827 with LCD on Port B

// Dual ADC on AN0 & AN1 for the 16F1827 with LCD on Port B
// The wiring for the LCD using Hitachi HD44780 is at
// http://www.winpicprog.co.uk/pic_tutorial_lcd_board.htm
#include <pic.h>                // pic specific identifiers
#include <stdio.h>
#define _XTAL_FREQ  4000000        // Xtal speed
__CONFIG(0x01E4);    // Config1 bits
__CONFIG(0x1CFF);      // Config2 bits
#define LCD_PORT PORTB            // constants
#define LCD_TRIS TRISB            //
#define LCD_RS    RB4
#define LCD_RW    RB6
#define LCD_E    RB7
        // Required prototypes.. each function needs to be declared
        // if called BEFORE definition.
void LCD_init(void), LCD_cmd(unsigned char ch);
void LCD_goto(char line, char column), LCD_clr(void);
void LCD_cur(unsigned char ch), pulse_E(void);
void LCD_char(unsigned char ch), LCD_charD(unsigned char ch);
void LCD_printC(const char *str), LCD_printR(char *str);
void delayMs(int x), InitADC(void);
int ReadADC(unsigned char ch);
    // Variables
    int number = 0;                    // new counting variable
unsigned char LCDbuffer[17];
void main(void)                        // program entry
    OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b00001101; // 4 MHz 4 bits
    ANSELB = 0;            //Set PORTB as digital I/O
    int index = 0;
    LCD_TRIS = 0b00000000;            // LCD port as outputs
    __delay_ms(150);                // let LCD stabilise
    LCD_init();                        // Initalise screen
    InitADC();                    // Initalise ADC
    while(1)                        // endless Loop
// Reads Analog voltage on AN0 & AN1 Be sure to InitADC();
        number = ReadADC(0);    // ADC(0) is on AN0 (RA0)
        sprintf(LCDbuffer,"CH1 %3d %04X  ",number,number);
        LCD_printR(LCDbuffer);        // use sprintf to format hex
        delayMs(10);                // as well as decimal.
// If you want the second ADC on AN1, use this.
/*        LCD_goto(2,0);
        number = ReadADC(1);    // ADC(1) is on AN1 (RA1)
        sprintf(LCDbuffer,"CH2 %3d %04X  ",number,number);
        } //while(1)
    } //main(void)
void InitADC()
    ADCON0 = 0b00000001;            // ADON
    ADCON1 = 0b11110000;            // Right justified FRC Clock                            // Set ADCON0 & 1
int ReadADC(unsigned char ch)
    int ret = 0;
    ADCON0 = 0b00000001 + (ch<<2);    // set channel to read
    GO_nDONE =1;        // 16F1827 start conversion
      while(GO_nDONE);                    // wait for conversion
      ret =  (ADRESH & 0x3) << 8;        // get
      ret +=    ADRESL;                    // result
    return ret;
// This may take calculated delay times. Don't use for LCD
void delayMs(int x)
void LCD_printC(const char * str)    // This passes the start a ROM character array
    {                                // by default the pointer points to data section
    while(*str != 0)                // while the character pointed to isn't 0
        LCD_char(*str++);            // print out the character, then increment
    }                                // the pointer down the array
void LCD_printR(char * str)            // This passes the start of a RAM character array
    {                                // by default the pointer points to data section
    while(*str != 0)                // while the character pointed to isn't 0
        LCD_char(*str++);            // print out the character, then increment
void LCD_init()
    LCD_cmd(0x20);                    // 4 bit
    LCD_cmd(0x28);                    // display shift
    LCD_cmd(0x6);                    // character mode
    LCD_cmd(0xc);                    // display on / off and cursor
    LCD_clr();                        // clear display
void LCD_goto(char line, char column)        // combines line and lineW
    unsigned char data = 0x80;                // default to 1
    if(line == 2)data = 0xc0;                // change to 2
    data += column;                            // add in  column
void LCD_clr()
    LCD_cmd(1);                                // Clr screen
void LCD_cur(char on)
    unsigned char cur = 0xc;                // cursor off
    if(on) cur = 0xd;                        // cursor on
void LCD_cmd(unsigned char ch)
    LCD_PORT = ch >> 4 & 0xf;            // write high nibble
    LCD_RS = 0;
    LCD_PORT = ch & 0xf;                // write low nibble
    LCD_RS = 0;
void LCD_charD(unsigned char ch)
    LCD_char(ch);                        // convert to ascii
void LCD_char(unsigned char ch)
    LCD_PORT = ch >> 4 & 0xf;            // High nibble
    LCD_RS = 1;
    LCD_PORT = ch & 0xf;                // low nibble
    LCD_RS = 1;
void pulse_E()
    LCD_E = 1;
    LCD_E = 0;


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Just to add, if you're using the internal EEPROM the address for establishing assembler DE entries in these enhanced devices is no longer 0x2100. It is 0xF000!
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