16F628 help

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New Member
I am trying to program a 16F628 for a 3 digit thermometer from the
following web site,
http://www.sixca.com/eng/articles/digittemp/index.html. The hex file
that the author provides on this site will not load into my chip
programmer without a Error reading HEX file message. I would e-mail
the author of the project but there is no information about who he is
on the site. There is no contact info for SIXCA.com anywhere on the
site. I am not a programmer so I have no idea how to
check the program for errors. Does anyone know of a contact for
SIXCA.com or maybe have
an idea how to fix the code.



The HEX code loads fine here, but rather bizarrely it has the PIC type added to the end of the file?, perhaps this is generating the error in your software?.

Try removing the last line from the HEX file, the one that says ';16F628'
Hey W8TZ,

i went thro the article. and downloaded the files. the source code 2 files and hex-one file.

i tried to bring thfile on to a winpic800 window. similar essage came that some fault at line 128 ...
when i checked my winpic800 was set for PIC16F84A. then iIcahnged to PIC16F628A and tried, it took the file. i could dis-assemble and see the listing. ofcourse i didn'actually programm one.

Hence please see whether the device is defined properly in the programmer you have used.

BTW- in the source code, there is a mention of DS1307i don't really know why- ofcourse some lines referred to DS1820 which you are using. please go thro this aspect also.
waiting for your give feedback

On a review, it appeaers that the HEX file is meant for clock and temp meter as it is named clock_temp.hex. however the file is loadble in to the programming driver winpic800 with the device PIC16F628 also.
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As Nigel was loading the reply I was drafting and testing the software - thus a redudant post after Super Moderator has replied.
Removing the ;PIC16F628 from the end of the HEX file did the trick...
Thanks for the help!
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