16f84 to 16f877

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ive got a serial programmer for the 16f84 and ive made a small daughter board for the 16f877 can anyone tell me the connections so that i can programm the 16f877 with the 16f84 board ?
Ricardoco said:
ive got a serial programmer for the 16f84 and ive made a small daughter board for the 16f877 can anyone tell me the connections so that i can programm the 16f877 with the 16f84 board ?

It's in the 16F877 datasheet and the programming datasheet - but don't forget to connect ALL the power and ground pins on the 877, not just one of them.
It's in the 16F877 datasheet and the programming datasheet - but don't forget to connect ALL the power and ground pins on the 877, not just one of them.
you wouldnt happen what to search for on microchip because ive been looking for a specific data sheet and just cant find one
I think this is correct?

16F84A ----------------- 16F877A

12 ---------- RB6 --------- 39
13 ---------- RB7 --------- 40
04 ---------- MCLR ------- 01
05 ---------- VSS -------- 32 + 11
14 ---------- VDD --------- 31 + 12
16 ---------- OSC1 ------- 13
15 ---------- OSC2 ------- 14

Have I missed any out ?
Nigel Goodwin said:
It's in the 16F877 datasheet and the programming datasheet - but don't forget to connect ALL the power and ground pins on the 877, not just one of them.

I have a :?: about that. On Bojan's P16PRO schematic you have on your website, it leaves the VDD and VSS pins 11 and 12 unconnected. The only ones it uses are 32 and 31. Is that an error, or have I missed something?
RB3 pgm is mentioned in the 877 document but not in the 84 document does that mean i dont connect it ???
Yeah pretty much. RB3 is used for low voltage programming mode. But you're doing normal mode, so you don't need it.
bonxer said:
I have a :?: about that. On Bojan's P16PRO schematic you have on your website, it leaves the VDD and VSS pins 11 and 12 unconnected. The only ones it uses are 32 and 31. Is that an error, or have I missed something?

I can't say I've ever checked it, but it may be that you DON'T need to connect the others for programmiong, but you DO to actually use the chip.
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