16f877 pic pin voltages when data is writing

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uditha33 said:
please let me know on what pins what voltages should present when data is writing. thanks

It's rather a vague question?, but presuming you mean when actually programming the device? - you need 13V on MCLR, and 5V on both Vdd pins, the programming pins have 5V logic signals on them.
uditha33 said:
please let me know on what pins what voltages should present when data is writing. thanks
Meaning of the Data writing is writing to the EEPROM or writing to the memory when inputs given by the hardware.
So the correct word is Programming or Burning the chip.

Also there was a PIC16F877 version which can not program in PIC16PRO programmer. One of my friends also found that problem.
So better check with a PIC16F877A version with your parallel port programmer.
Only need 550 bucks……….
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