16f877a development board

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Hi Bryan1,

I think you should complain to the company & the author in the following weblink as their advertisment clearly shows the inclusion of a schematic diagram. There is a contact form at that address.



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eblc1388 said:
Hi Bryan1,

I think you should complain to the company & the author in the following weblink as their advertisment clearly shows the inclusion of a schematic diagram. There is a contact form at that address.

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Hiya L.Chung,
Been there and done that mate last week when I got the board but I sent off a few more e-mails today to Oshonsoft , momentumfire and 2checkout. I explained to 2checkout if they can't supply what they state and take over a month to deliver to drop them as a client as it's bringing a top rated online payment company into the gutter. Upon delving deeper into the forum on momentumfire the rs232 has a design flaw. Anyway take a look at that forum and you'll see why I don't recommend it.
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Cheers Bryan
Can you contact your card company to dispute the payment of that item?

Also would it be a good idea to add a warning in your first posting to alert people so that they do not order the board by mistake?
Hiya Guy's,
Well oshonsoft sent me a link to a schematic of the development board so I got it out and started pin pointing areas with my continuitiy tester. Well first thing I found was the max 232 equilivent chip has pins 6-7-8 wired together and pins 9-10 are aswell. I've never in my whole experience in electronics seen pins fused together especially the main control pins of an I.C. Then I checked out the SCL line on the rtc and the eeprom and found out both SCL lines were tied to the earth rail.
As far as I'm concerned I'm demanding my money back, Ive never seen such a piece of crap and they call it a top development board.

One not happy bloke

ic chip tester

i have a problem during design ic chip tester. my problem when i want to connect PIC16F877 to test zif socket.
do we need to have a development board for the pic..if let say we can directly do it through boatloader???not necessary rite.
I've got a simple 16F887A development board I'm working on the PCB. Please give your comments and suggestions before I finish the artwork.

I've looked at the Oshonsoft version, neat but limited. IMHO a solderless breadboard is a better solution, and you still get an LCD & keypad (and RS485) with a simple RS232 converter in the schematic.

I may remove the piezo speaker, it's so easy to connect it to the solderless breadboard.

What would you rather have... Another pot, switch or TL431?

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