16F88 Beginner's Help

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Hello, I have a project that requires me to test some inputs and control LED's based on the inputs. I have decided on the 16F88, but I got some doubts regarding the oscillator configuration. Like is an external crystal oscillator better than using the internal one as in the sample show in this sections read me. If so why. Also I'd like a more info about the 16F88 i.e in layman's terms. I did read the datasheet but don't get the configuration part.
Unless you need accurate timing or higher speed then the internal 8MHz oscillator is fine for most applications.

If you look in
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\Template\Code
you will find a file called 16F88TEMP.ASM which has the config setting that you most likely need.

Pommie, I fear, that unless the O P would have MPLAB installed, the link given by you might not work for him.
Looks like OP is reading some AD values.I also working with internal osc feature & it works fine.To light up LEDs the internal RC is more than enough.
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