18f4550 RC0

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New Member
Hi all,
anyone know how to configure rc0 as a digital output?

I have tried everything i can think of, but it still wont work!

	PORTB =0;
	PORTC =0;
	PORTE =0;
	T1CON =0;
	ADCON1 = 0x0F;
	CMCON = 0x07;
	TRISB = 0;
	TRISA =0;
	TRISE =0;
	TRISC =0;
//	RED_LED10(1);	
	LATA = 0xff;
	LATB = 0xff;
	LATC = 0xff;
	LATE = 0xff;

the datasheet states that rc0 is multiplexed with timer1, but ihave turned this off by setting t1con =0; it still doesnt work though.

Any ideas?

many thanks
Port C,0 works fine. I have used it on the Unicorn to drive CS2 of a graphic LCD. Could the pin be shorted to ground? What do you read back from PORTC and LATC?

Pommie said:
Port C,0 works fine. I have used it on the Unicorn to drive CS2 of a graphic LCD. Could the pin be shorted to ground? What do you read back from PORTC and LATC?


Hi mike,
Thanks very much, i just checked the board again with a meter and found a short. I had routed the rc0 trace through the tiny gap inbetween an 0805 resistor.


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