1st time MULTISIM 11 user help.

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New Member
I started to use multisim for the very first time last night and got stuck. I found a circuit for a game show buzzer as to try if I can successfully run it in multisim successfully and failed, help please. I also find it hard to find what component to use. The fist image attached is the circuit i tried to copy. While the second is the multisim 11 file. The third is the image of the circuit in multisim 11.
Thank you!

* i didnt know you cant uploud multisimm files so please email me


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yay multisim 11 love the software, I am not sure what you are trying to ask, I only see 2 images up there, the first looks to be a replication attempt at the 12v relay circuit for the game show buzzer while the second is the actual circuit, if you still have issues figuring out the software i have become quite good with multisim 11 to see and understand the main working of the circuit you are best opening the primary circuit and running that one, as with pretty much all the samples the main one works flawlessly the 2 relay circuits (5v and 12v) are both sub-circuits which can be switched back and forth on the main circuit
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