2 output from 1 input

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New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to design a circuit to receive an input (24 V) and gives two out put with the same voltage level (24 V), It seems easy but i'm not an electronic engineer.

Any help with that?
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to design a circuit to receive an input (24 V) and gives two out put with the same voltage level (24 V), It seems easy but i'm not an electronic engineer.

Any help with that?

Unfortunately there's no information in your post that gives any clue as to what you're trying to do - a piece of wire would meet what you've posted so far.
just as long as he's not looking for an input of 24V@2A, and two outputs of 24V@4A....... which ain't gonna happen in this universe......

OTOH he could be looking for an input of 24V, and outputs of +/-24V...
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Hi all thanks for replying,
The main input of the circuit is from a digital output pin with rated current so if i wired my two loads to it directly with a wire the current drawn will be higher than the rated.
It is for DC usage.
Maybe an industrial controller of some kind?

I'm making some assumptions here, but here goes.
Sounds like you want to control 2 devices from an output that doesnt have the capacity for them both, if speed isnt an issue and you have access to a 24v supply, just use the output to drive a relay, and use the relay's contacts to supply the load with 24v.

Maybe that is hes problem.. maybe he is trying to drive two relays with one output that can't supply enough current.

Hi all thanks for replying,
The main input of the circuit is from a digital output pin with rated current so if i wired my two loads to it directly with a wire the current drawn will be higher than the rated.
It is for DC usage.

Could you please tell us more about the system. What kind of digital output you have (what is the current limit) and what are the two loads you are trying to drive? How much current do the loads need and are they inductive/capacitive.. what is the system? Give us some chance to help you!
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OK, It is a digital output of a PLC controller and it's true there is no capacity to drive to drive the two loads (using Contactors or some other alarming devices -Lamp and buzzer-) the circuit should be an electronic circuit.
there are some loads need to be driven using one output.
two Loads of contactors (on one output) and loads for alarming (Lamp and Buzzer) on another output.
there are some loads need to be driven using one output.
two Loads of contactors (on one output) and loads for alarming (Lamp and Buzzer) on another output.

Use a FET switch to turn the loads on and off. You can drive multiple FETs from one output.
Perhaps use your output to drive two FETs to switch the loads?

Edit: simultaneous post with misterT!
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Maybe a clamp diode for the inductive contactor load?
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